Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

APIs & the viewer's -pardon, the uploader's- choice!

I was increasingly frustrated with's users and their ability to remove the videos that I had an interest in, usually to embed into my own sites... I am clearly NOT interested in homemade inane video material but in quality artistic material that had been uploaded onto the site for mass consumption and sharing with other users... Hence, the removal of said material -especially if it occurred AFTER I had embedded it onto any one of my sites- was leaving me exasperated indeed until I noticed that's rules of service actually forebid the sharing of copyrighted material... oopsy, eh?

The following trailers are, therefore, ours to partake of - for however long we can - illegally and with the near-consent of's administration since it is very evident to them as it is to all that this sort of material constitutes the vast majority of the video offerings - and it is, again, all that they have that I am interested in!

To top it all off, YouTube has an undeniable distinguished connection to PayPal!
We knew it already - it is such a small world!
Smaller still on the web...

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