Monday, May 15, 2006
When the pain becomes too much to bear... we are tempted to look to the skies above and shout "send me an angel"...

I would be remiss though if I did not lament the fact that the 1983 hit "send me an angel" was recently covered by a cete of marilyn manson wannabees collectively known as "deadstar assembly"... As if it wasn't lamentable enough that the original hit's perpetrators, a band called "Real Life", has always been overshadowed by the OTHER band with a hit song titled "send me an angel" - the equally heinously named (as d.a.) Scorpions!
To be fair, the Scorpions' song is just as good - and, some might say better written too - but Real Life's ONE BIG HIT deserves special consideration... It was always a favorite of mine and that is telling; for my fondness for the underdog at an early age was surely indicative that I would be one as well. And, in REAL LIFE... underdogs seldom know bliss. If ever.
Hence the need for immediate help from a heavenly attendant - asap - please God. (I posted prayers recently here; this turns out to be another one...)