Wednesday, June 07, 2006
06/06/06 Aftermath... YOU do the math!

Seems like expectant mothers -in the USA at least- did all that they could to avoid delivering their babies on the ominous date of triple six...
Good Christian gals, these All-American chicks - indeed!
Julie Haley, 33, of Reading, Mass., went into labour Monday. As of Tuesday afternoon, she still had not given birth.
"We were going to try to get it out before midnight or I was going to keep my legs closed," she said.
"I don't want her to have that stigma for the rest of her life. When she gets older, her friends would say that anything bad would be because of her birthdate."
Some friends those would be... Mrs. Haley though does have a point there; nowadays, those friends are the kind of "friends" that we are most likely to find in greater quantity... It does not surprise me one bit that a well-read lady hailing from Reading, Mass. (as opposed to, say... Hell, Mich.!) would be so wise - at the age of Christ to boot!
From Julie to Jill now - and another set of problems altogether...
Jill Haub, born June 6, 1966, celebrated her 40th birthday on Tuesday. She is a mother of two boys and teaches Grade 6 in Yukon, Okla.
"When I tell people my birthday, the ones who are really brave give me the look and say: 'That's scary!"' said Haub, a practising Christian.
"And I say: 'Actually, I have an extra six - born on 6-6-66 - so that's four sixes. I'm good, not evil."'
Hmm... someone else who turned 40 on 06/06/06 is that rascal from Ripon, Qc. - former Montreal Canadiens forward (and he ended his career with the Pittsburgh Penguins I do believe) Stéphane Richer. I mentioned my theory about Georges yesterday -yet again- and here I will make mere mention that I do have a theory about Stéphanes as well... But I digress! Richer may have played for the formerly-known as "flying Frenchmen" - but Richer himself would oftentimes be labeled the "stuttering sniper" instead... He did collect 50 goals one year, the year that the Boston Bruins ousted the Canadiens in five games in the playoffs for the first time in a long time. I remember it as if it were yesterday... Richer was called many things, hence - but never "evil". If they didn't dare do it for the Ripon ripper, I doubt that they would really dare to call Miss Haub here that sort of thing either...
In other "odd news headlines" related to either 06/06/06 and/or Michigan... one attracted my attention in particular: "Police locate and may charge man who released 1.2-metre alligator in Michigan"
They "may" charge him? They "may?!? This man sure seems evil to me, as he "tried to kill the alligator with a HAMMER - but the animal survived". And this man likely doesn't even have a single "6" in his birthdate! Had this man been creative one iota, he might have told police that he released the gator on 06/06/06 because Wally there had expressed his desire to go to Hell too... Hell, Michigan being much closer than the Everglades to... er, crawl to?
But noooo - instead, this sadistic dumba$$ purpotedly only said that "he was looking for a place to get rid of it, but he couldn't get anyone to take it"
So then the cruel animal-hater tried to hammer "it" to oblivion - that didn't work, and the animal (likely with a huge headache) found enough intestinal fortitude to crawl to a pond in a park nearby... And the police -as unsure as they are whether charges should be made against this jerk or not- turned the alligator over to Mason County animal control officers. Hopefully the latter breed of officers is not as clueless as the former... "Police Chief Mark Barnett said (the man) may face animal cruelty charges. The case was forwarded to prosecutors for review, he said."
Hmm... Mark and crew there seem to be at the beck and call of their local prosecutors there - they must be clueless without them indeed! So much for Mark's remarks and their value, theretofore...