Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Luminous Friday Night Video

From David Ford's State of the Union to a similar song we go - but different still! Seems to me like, verily, Regina Spektor is a one woman Coldplay band! With considerable less ambient noise than Coldplay though...! The singing is the same - with definite Sarah McLachlan and Tori Amos influences (not the best influences to have, mind you - but since it is diluted Kate Bush influences, it will do!)
This video is luminous for its musical style... for its melody... for the lyrics! Said lyrics mention that "the Bible didn't mention us - not even once".
See just how insignificant we all are... eh? Old Testament and New Testament aficionados -of whatever creed they may be- alike!
And then there's the title, Samson, I'd lie if I'd say that it didn't play a factor in choosing this track here! Tis all in the light of recent events too, you see... In a chain of confrontations with scum here (local scum this time - not cyber make-believe scum that make themselves look tough online; and those guys know who they are!) I got rewarded with the nickname of "superman". No one has ever spoken with the whole gang of thugs as I did, hence the monicker is fully-deserved here... However, it came with an unintelligible written invitation to get together with the gang in the "parkink" (hmm... sorry scum; no kink for me! I'm luminous, see?)
I actually even found a further point of contention with the monicker - heralding my return to "their hood" by proclaiming as loud as permissible by law (lest the constabulary forces turn against me for "disturbing the peace" - what a joke the law is) and thus shouting that "Superman Has Returned"... adding "have you seen the film? You should go see it, instead of hanging out around here, doing nothing... I've heard that it is simply Luminous! Their words - not mine!"
The gang members present weren't impressed - must not have a clue what the 7th Art is.
And then, the occasion came for me to make mention that, for me, Superman is nothing but an "amalgamic rip-off" - and the first component that he obtained from those that his creators ripped-off came from... Samson! Hence, if I am to be labeled after an archetype, let it be Samson! Or... John The Baptist! Not a modern-day make-believe rip-off... puh-leeeeeeeeeze!

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