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Sunday, June 18, 2006

Outrageous Prayer... on a day of sorrow

This is Father's Day... and the first such day in which I have not my father with me. He passed away this past March at the tender age of 72. He was such a kind man. I am having trouble coping with the loss - since I had been taking care of him for the last 13 years...

Anger fills my mind often - aimed at the medical establishment, mainly... The rest of the time is as it is now - sorrow filling my heart.

I am sure that such words fill the stoney hearts of my various quarries with the most insipid and tasteless joy... Just remember that your turn will come too; and you, quarries and adversaries of mine, will also gnash your teeth... and your tears? They shall be tears of blood.

I came upon this rather farcical (in my estimation) claim at total and complete outrageous mastery recently - as it was one my Google ads provided by the oftentimes non-sensical Adsense program... It comes straight from the Originator of the formula that will allow you to Harness God's Power, Wake-Up to your Divine Birthright and create Everything. Uh... excuse me... "Divine Birthright"? Not a single one of us on this lamentable mudball can lay any claim to that! Our lone birthright, blue bloods or commoners, is to suffer for our own sins and to die merely SEEKING AND HOPING AND BEGGING FOR REDEMPTION! Somehow, I do not think such is the aim of this so-called "prayer" here...
Even my saintly father, who had so very few flaws you could count them on your fingers... and use just one hand too... EVEN HE had no such delusions of grandeur!
As for the formula's daring purporting that it allows you to "create Everything" - what a joke. As evidenced by the climatic chaos this planet is sliding into, the only thing we can assuredly "create" is CHAOS! It was, in fact, our own lauded progress that "created" the huge influenza of 1918-1919 that killed millions! Same progress has created a steady string of cancers mushrooming everywhere in the "civilized world"... More on that some other time...

The Lord Have Mercy prayer that I link here as the main link, seems to be a whole lot more adequate and sensible... And logical too! I recommend this one over the preceding one ANY DAY OF THE WEEK AND THRICE ON SUNDAY! Truth be told, it also came to my attention via Google Adsense - which goes to show that the program is only half-bad. Just like most of us are a bit of both opposing forces too; we're all shades of gray indeed, for the greater part. Some are closer to the Light - others are closer to the darkness. None is "perfect" either way (although I disagree with the notion that there's anything remotely close to "perfection" on the darkness side of things)
Another fitting analogy for Google Adsense would be that it is like the government - it giveth and it taketh away! Everybody has a God complex, in the end... not just Sasha, "originator of the formula that will allow to harness..." ah, absolutely nothing, I tell you!

Right now, my prayer of predilection consists in asking my saintly father's soul to ask of God Himself that I be granted some strength... just that... strength to endure, for my race is not ended yet and I see not the finish line on the horizon... nor the light (Light?) at the end of the tunnel...

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