Sunday, July 16, 2006
inbox indiscretions # 20...

Know how to give without regret, how to acquire without meanness;
know how to replace in your heart,
by the happiness of those you love, the
happiness that may be wanting to yourself.
- George Sand (1804 -1876)
George Sand was not a man, for those who do not know - but a woman!
And nobility to boot. AND she had one of the higher I.Q.s known to... man!
Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin, dite Baronne Dudevant - her estimated I.Q. was of 150...! On the silver screen, the Baroness Aurore Dudevant was marvelously played by une compatriote - Juliette Binoche in LES ENFANTS DU SIÈCLE - THE CHILDREN OF THE CENTURY, a film chronicling in large part her tumultuous love affair with the tormented Alfred de Musset, fellow writer and years her junior. The film, with its title and pervasive sense of despair (though "George Sand" comes out of it *convinced* that Love Exists) was fittingly filmed in 1999... Director Diane Kurys must have thought, like so many ill-informed others, that the End of the World was imminent and really slated for sometime in the year 2000...!?
Maybe next time, Diane!
The extra info to this particular edition of "inbox indirections" has a dual purpose:
1) evoke the *other* TLB Prime tradition - "Statistics Sundays", remember?
2) silence the critics of such blog entries! *LOL*