Saturday, August 05, 2006
And Now, Some Luminous Findings, Courtesy of That Luminous Search Toolbar Thingie...

As "advertised" here yesterday, one can find such wondrous and truly luminous things online - if one searches for them with a dependable, reliable search engine that is! I admit, though, that as far as "searching for Light" goes, it is not quite the thing indeed - I was saying that tongue firmly in cheek on yesterday's post! Everybody got that, I am sure...
Above, you see just one of many interesting findings when one searches the word "luminous" (no, the results are *not* all about me! *lol*)
The picture comes from Poland, around a place called Tempelberg, where Templar Knights were reputedly "hanging out" circa the 1400s. The "Luminous Man" on the picture is apparently not a hoax, not the fruits of some photoshop tempering, but a genuine apparition! Hmm... Add to that several other anecdotes about the Tempelberg area found here, and it all begins to sound very, very real indeed. Besides, "Tempelberg" already sounds much more compelling than "Bilderberg" ever did to me!
But - gee! I thought I'd found the perfect "luminous man" picture (obviously based upon the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo...) which I represent to you, in "slider" form, below...
And now here comes along another one, an alleged "real-life" version too...!
However, the findings are not just curious photos - far from it, my friends! A travel site invites us to visit the spectacular natural wonder of Luminous Lagoon, one of the best to be found in Jamaica. (And to) take a ride on one of the pontoons to experience the beauty of this iridescent lagoon where the water becomes luminous when agitated...! Wow - as if the irony of a world-famous reggae singer named Luciano hailing from Jamaica wasn't enough for me... Now this! I guess I should stop by the Luminous Lagoon myself, one day!

Imagine - my own lagoon!
I never thought of owning one - but if I may, if only in name only, why not, hmm?
An "iridiscent lagoon" with "glistening waters" sounds mighty cool and refreshing to me in these days of heatwaves and climatic changes...!
"See Nature at its best" they say...
I would agree with that statement!
A luminous statement it must be, indeed!
In other luminous findings, I must make mention of sad news - once again.
Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, Luminous Mezzo, Dies at 52 (New York Times) - The mezzo-soprano Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, who won near universal praise from critics and audiences for her courageous, insightful and deeply affecting performances, has died at the age of 52 (...)
Next to that, somehow, invites us to "list 5 examples of luminous objects and five examples of illuminated objects"
Hmm... okaaaay...
And next to that, "The Luminous Web" is reviewed by a fellow blogger: The Nuts! - to be specific! "The Luminous Web (Essays on Science and Religion)" is a book written by Barbara Brown Taylor that teaches us, among other things, that "most people are either left brain types or right brain types. Early in our process of education we split off those people that are geared for logical thinking and those that are more geared to write the great American novel."
Hmm... okaaaaaay...
And here I thought that Mrs. Taylor was writing about online luminescence - and that, maybe, she'd be mentioning me in passing too! *LOL*
She does make use of my favorite quote from good old Albert (“Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.” – Albert Einstein) and adds another I don't mind but don't care so much for either...
“Religion declined not because it was refuted, but because it became irrelevant, dull, oppressive, insipid. When faith is completely replaced by creed, worship by discipline, love by habit; when the crisis of today is ignored because of the splendor of the past; when faith becomes an heirloom rather than a living fountain; when religion speaks only in the name of authority rather than with the voice of compassion, its message becomes meaningless.” - Rabbi Abraham Heschel (Jewish Theologian 1907 –1972)
What about science, when it becomes so rigid it will not budge, even faced with new tangible results or evidence? What about our political leaders, so attached to the "old ways" and their precious "system" that they loathe change - and might kill so that things remain the same; even their commander-in-chief if need be (JFK, anyone?)
Really, Rabbi Abe, right now, with "the crisis of today", thy words about being "the voice of compassion" reverberate not so true to a lot of ears either...
But I digress...
One or two final blogger notes - another blogger seems obsessed with the word "luminous" too, only not in the same way... Patty, on, takes the time to actually lament that, in his latest novel ("Seeing"), Nobel Prize laureate and Portuguese author José Saramago apparently makes use of the word three times, three times, three times...!!! Hmm - then she blames translator Margaret Jull Costa for it. Gee - "luminous" is a great word! In a book that probably goes up to 250 pages, three instances of that word are actually not enough! What will now be suggested to a Nobel Prize winner - that he gets himself a thesaurus? Substituting "brilliant" to "luminous" would be too commonplace. Penning "incandescent" instead would be perceived as somewhat haughty. "Luminous" is just right! ;)
However, it is right and true to state that "all is not luminous" out there - in fact, out in the real world, MOST EVERYTHING is NOT luminous!
True luminous bodies can be found in the starry ways as well as here:
that time "when Jesus held a summit conference with two other luminous bodies, Moses and his shadowy double, Elijah." Such luminous bodies make otherwise commoner mouthpieces such as Moby (singer of "we are all made of stars") carriers of the Truth! "Our physical body is on loan from nature, whom we must repay at the end of our days." (...)
Too true - even if it comes from "Gagdad Bob, the Most Obnoxious Man In AmeriKKKa"!
On his own blog, Gagdad Bob preaches comically and sardonically about what HE believes in... Luminous moi and him can only agree on this: "Thou owest nature a death." More appropriately speaking, thou owest God thy very Life! And said life is really that of one's soul which is eternal; not that of the body which is temporal and indeed, in that case, can be perceived as "on loan".
When you do die, Gagdad Bob, you will find out if you are "recycled" into another loaned wrapper - or if you move on to the next level!
As for me, when it is my turn and my time...
I want to move on.
I got to move on - move on - move on! ;)
*LOL* Okay, I was quoting from a Dolores O'Riordan/Cranberries song there!