Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Deleted Gems On Message Boards! (Or - Wiped Out Pearls Of Wisdom And Wit!)

Hmm... in this rather quiet summer stretch (no feuds per say, no quarrels to speak of, no ongoing flamewars since less time is wasted online, more is spent beating up the heat! Ha - I would too, if I could! But I digress...) I look to the past, once again, as a historian should do!
And as a blogger out of time and inspiration to blog should do as well!
This is an old draft of a post - cumulative post really, you'll see what I mean by that shortly - which chronicles a little heated debate from winters past on a certain site, in a certain group... Since the Dan Brown crap hoopla is still not entirely done with, it is time to post it I think! Because, as you'll soon see, that ol' reservoir dog, Mr. Brown, is at the core of the debate, yes!
YOU tell me who came out on top in this debate!

If you would CARE enough TO do so indeed... Heh-heh-heh.
Note that the cards were definitely not stacked in my favor since my chief adversaries were not only the hosts of the group (they routinely deleted my rebuttals, as evidenced below, in courteous mandatory e-mails sent to me... They wouldn't even have bothered to send those, but the site's rules force them to do so. And I believe they are sent automatically anyway!) as they also were diametrically opposed to my views, being of that certain other faith... see?
You will, see... All you have to do is read on...!

NOTA BENE: this comes from, indeed, another "Caring" group - not at all my very own "Lux Aeterna" group! Once you see the name of that other group, you will flip - I was clearly in enemy territory there! But I don't mind the journey - I thrive upon those, actually!
It might be a tad disjointed at times - as it is missing key repartee (usually the luminous bits - from me!) but I trust you will be able to extract the gist of it all here... 

Hi Luciano -
Your discussion post to the The Da Vinci Code on Care2 Connect
was deleted.
Group Home:

Thank you,
The The Da Vinci Code group hosts

----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 03:01:14 PST Jan 30, 2005

Oh - S.B. - I must add... is everything in the O.E. viewed as genuine too... or does it have its detractors as well?
Noah is akin to the character called Utnapishtim - in the epic of Gilgamesh, which sure predates it... officially, it does... does it not?
Adam & Eve (and Lilith) are 100% original material...?
I could go on...
See what I mean by we should WORK TOGETHER... against unbelief... rather than nitpick?


Hi Luciano -
Your discussion post to the The Da Vinci Code on Care2 Connect
was deleted.
Group Home:

Thank you,
The The Da Vinci Code group hosts

----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 03:01:06 PST Jan 30, 2005

And feel free to type the name... JESUS... it is an E in there, not an asterisk... Likewise, can you quit abbreviating and substituting an X for CHRIST when you type CHRISTIAN... Your true intent in doing that is waaaay too obvious!


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 05:01:15 PST Jan 30, 2005
Subject: Yes you are indeed - psychic AND perspicacious! ;)

Have no fear - I take no offense to "Xtian" per say.
Abbreviations are OK - as long as they are not of the order of "I of got 2 go now" - see what I mean?
;) *lol* :)
But gents like S.B. indulge in that particular abbreviation with added gusto - and that is bothersome to me. Oh well...


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 05:01:35 PST Jan 30, 2005
Subject: All righty then...

I fully intend to make use of the maximum number of words in the modern lexicon that I can make use of... ;)
Then let's take it outside... *lol*
In other words... start another thread... or I will... and let's make it "compatible" both with this group's objectives... and our respective agendas! I am sure it can be done... well... God Willing and all...!!! :(
Just to veer this back towards "topic"... anybody knows which outsold which... outshone too... between THE DA VINCI CODE... THE CELESTINE PROPHECY... and THE BIBLE CODE...?
Guess which one is my favorite while you're at it... ;)
Oh, and... S.B.? Love that bear avatar you have - sincerely - it reminds me of a character in one of my very own fictional projects...


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 03:01:40 PST Jan 30, 2005

Thanks for the rules briefing... some of us need it more than others... and thanks for welcoming me - wow, before I even posted?!! How could you achieve that, Ket...? You must be psychic...! ;)
All I have to say about this imaginative theory that purports that Jesus married this Magdalena and started a lineage now to be found, of all places, in France... is this... imagination out of control can come up with the wildest concepts. None of this FITS with what Jesus said he had come to accomplish... for, admittedly, siring offspring who would wind up in a country that reveres Jerry Lewis would accomplish... what exactly?!?
And to the allegedly cuddly one I say this - if I were born to Judaism, I would look closely at the only plausible case of the coming of the Messiah - which is, after all, what you want the most - correct? That is what we have in common - the "Xtian" (sue me but I like to put "Christ" in there...) and the Judaic - we both want the Saviour HERE - NOW!
We really oughta work together instead of anything else... hmm?


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 01:02:32 PST Feb 20, 2005

Oops - I hadn't checked back here to see the... continuing developments...!!! *lol*
To answer kind Ketutar's question addressed to me - well, even Jewish erudites will admit that, even though they want to marry and have children, none of the prophecies regarding the messiah say that it is imperative that he does so too. The Messiah stands out from us common mortal folk - He Is, in short, not of this world. He Is of His Father's House... so why in blue blazes bother to leave his seed here...?!? If He did - hmm... Do we have now, walking the Earth as we speak, the Generation Y Jesus...?!? If we do, the divine seed has been extremely diluted by now... for he (or she) is NOTHING like the alleged Forefather of a lineage that is nowhere mentioned either, for instance, in the Book of Revelation... Or prophesied, again, by any ancient testament prophet who told of the future...
I wonder if Shadowbear sees any deceit in this post too... me, whose motto is all about the Truth... oh well... :(


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 05:02:17 PST Feb 20, 2005

Funny that you should choose to use the word "enlightenment" - an in-joke for me, as it is one of my favorite words and all... Maybe I will tell you via private message the rest of the story there...! *yes*
I feel as though I was being called out here - so, am I anti-marriage? *lol*
Hmm... let me think... *headache* *huh* :(
No - I am not! But Paul said that it was likely best not to, unless the... urge to do so was too great. The knights who sought the Holy Grail forgot all about earthly life and its many facets - to concentrate their entire being to their quest... all right, that was most likely a metaphor carefully conceived to "push" spiritual dedication... But what about the Apostles? We know they had wives and children - yet so little is said about any of them. They clearly came a distant second to the mission Christ gave them...
Simeon the Stylite surely is not less than another -on the contrary actually- for not having been "completed" perched upon that pillar he sat on... There was no room for two there anyway... *lol*
Besides... the Bible does say to be fruitful and to multiply and all that... but we are headed to planetary over-population as it is, so... really now... Judaic Law was replaced by the Messiah's new law... but then some think it is part of that deceit/ conspiracy theory or something so I'll digress... Christians know Christ was True Man - but also True God. God Sends a portion of Himself thus - to this Earth... why would He want any portion at all to remain behind when "All Is Accomplished"...?!? Anyway - you yourself Ket have deconstructed the flawed theory of Mary Magdalene going to a France that did not exist yet... This is all so pointless to debate indeed - the whole marriage theory is just easy sensationalistic fluff meant to cause a reaction - any number of reactions among all sorts of people really... *huh*
Christians -or actually Millenialists- should be expecting Christ's Return at this point... Not expecting to have a long lineage of their own...! *shrug*
As for the rest of my comments... no comment? *delete*

----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 02:02:01 PST Feb 26, 2005

Whatever, Ket...
No stereotype-thinking... just pointing out the obvious, It is you who judge an entire religion that values the spiritual over personal materialism as a "bunch of losers"... Simona!


Which makes her and her like - the true losers!
I hope you all realize that without further explanation!

----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 02:02:53 PST Feb 26, 2005

Edit... ''... you who judges...''
Flavius Josephus (is it) must have been one of those guys who refuses to even admit the evidence that something exists - though it is there before his own eyes. Understandable - hard to swallow that, from his point of view, a splinter group from his own creed would rise to new heights formerly only accessible to his own... IT DOES NOT GET ANY MORE FRUSTRATING THAN THAT FOLKS!


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 02:02:13 PST Feb 26, 2005

If I were your father, Simona, I would throw you out too... *lol*
After a good spanking, of course...


----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 02:02:10 PST Feb 26, 2005

In re: impotence...
A priest on a certain Roman Catholic island in the Atlantic, helped out a great deal in POPULATING it... by impregnating every woman in sight practically! In the end, it was estimated that that priest was the father of THOUSANDS of illegitimate children...
See? No impotence there - they all, likely, have it in them...
The better, true to their calling ones though will REIGN IT IN. Exercize self-control... familiar with that concept, S?



----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 03:02:20 PST Feb 26, 2005

Vindicatory and vindictive are the same, yes... *LOL*
"Vindicative" is simply a typo version of vindictive...! *duh*
My apologies for the typo


Actually, I champion truths - that makes me a vindicator, not vindictive!
See - even typos have deeply-rooted GOOD reasons to be!

----------------- Original Post Below -----------------
Date: 10:02:45 PST Feb 26, 2005

*sigh* A valiant (?) effort to try discredit what one does not believe in in the first place... but really now... Paul and the original apostles all believed Christ's return was... what again? IMMINENT. Plus, they (unlike you) believed that Jesus was NOT OF THIS WORLD - BUT THE TRUE SON OF GOD. So, why hold in admiration objects and ground defiled by the feet of UNBELIEVERS... when THY LORD THAT ONE ADORES IS COMING BACK SOON - AND A NEW EARTH SHALL BE THEN - THE CLEANSING COMPLETED!!!
Your entire argumentation rests on THIN AIR.
B- for the effort though... more than a passing grade... more than it merits. ;)


This last bit in response to the tired old same old anti-Christian arguments.
Too bad they didn't send me those in the e-mail too!
Fact is, they await the Messiah to come forth still - out of one of their little runts born recently? The Messiah is not one of a dime-a-dozen brethren, no... Sorry! And what if your best choice for that momentous role was to be struck down before he gets going - by a Hezbollah rocket now?!? Or a Hamas suicide-bomber? A conflict that *your* people got to this point! And a conflict you hope to see a Messiah swoop in and put an end to - hmm? Well, if he got struck down by any of the previously mentioned... No messiah for another decade or so still?
That can't be good!

No, folks - I see the Messiah as Having Come already and Being Set to Return - ASAP!
And He Returns In Full Glory ~ with an army of Angels 
Whether you like it - or not!


But the idea was that this being practically all written already, in large part by me, about a year-old and ready to post, with minimal introduction!

I thought it was ideal as a time-saver, effort-reliever, blog-filler and... old score settler!

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