Tuesday, August 22, 2006
~ Light ~
From: [melz] Via RAY OF LIGHT : ~**Raven Sapphire**~ Emissary of Light ~

When you acknowledge and give thanks for what you have you are stating and sending out the energy and thought, that you do have as opposed to you not having. This aligns you with current positive and abundant source energies and the manifestation of that must manifest in your life through the power of the law of attraction.

Increasing Light
As the light increases and expands on the earthplane more and more will fall away As your own energy raises and expands more people will leave your presence and the new will be welcomed. The time now is your divinity manifest. (I say - only God Is God - but we can be ONE WITH HIM - yes! Our souls are a spark of the Divine)

There are never unresolved issues unless we believe them to exist. Everything in the universe is in perfect balance and it is only our human selves that attach to the existence of these issues. Sometimes through our human beliefs we manifest our own physical ailments.
- Rev. Dr. Leondra Robin May D.D.