Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Do you know what day this is?
This, the 28th?
It is an anniversary.

A "semi-anniversary", really...
But still... A day of sadness and
For, six months ago
to the day,
A saintly man passed on,
after six days spent in a deep coma.
Today, I could not even go to the cemetery to commemorate the event.
I simply could not.
I cannot believe it has been six months already.
But, evidently, it is the case indeed.
And, what did I get from "others" on this day?
Were "others" kinder to me on the day that the hurt is revived by the mere realization that it has been six whole months that a dear one of mine is now... six feet under? Not at all! Instead, a so-called L.O.V. who hasn't even supported this site in ages actually chose TODAY of ALL DAYS to protest in the most insipid way my publishing of commentary e-mailed to me RIGHT HERE... in the comments section, where it belonged! Aren't you glad now, "L.O.V.", that I keep you wrapped up in anonymity - eh?
On the EVE of THIS SAD DAY - another so-called friend burned my butt (yes - I typed "butt"!) over something so inane... It was as if he had something to gain from it! What made the cup really runneth over though was that MY DEAR DEPARTED LOVED ONE WAS SOMEWHAT AT THE CORE OF THE DEBATED SUBJECT... And for any so-called buddy of mine to overlook the DATE ON THE CALENDAR - and I had previously pointed it out too - AND PUSH THE ENVELOPE... well, it is abysmal indeed.
Almost as abysmal as the quality of the healthcare system I 'd say...
Instead, we will have a little article featuring one DR. PIERRE MARSOLAIS -
THE A-HOLE (yeah - I just typed "a-hole" too!) WHO GOT HIS WISH - TO THE DAY, SIX LONG MONTHS AGO!
May the fates (...) make it so that I will never cross paths with the a-hole doc ever again in my LIFE. And in HIS EXISTENCE.
For, if I do, I will quickly turn the tables on him and make HIM the patient in intensive care!

Let that be a warning too for the two who infuriated and exasperated me in the past few hours...
And anybody else tempted to do the same, in the future...



Dons d'organes

Le rythme s'accélère
La semaine nationale des dons d'organes commence lundi au pays. Au Québec, quelque 1000 personnes sont actuellement en attente d'une greffe, du jamais vu.

Cette situation est notamment due au fait que certains organes sont refusés, en dépit du consentement du donneur. En effet, au Canada, il n'est permis de donner des organes qu'après un diagnostic de décès cérébral ou neurologique.

Ainsi, pour tenter de récupérer un plus grand nombre d'organes et réduire la liste d'attente, des hôpitaux du Québec lanceront un projet-pilote, au cours des prochains mois, pour favoriser le don par décès cardiocirculatoire (DDC).

Le Dr Pierre Marsolais, des départements de médecine interne et des soins intensifs de l'Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, fait la promotion du DDC. Il précise qu'on gardera le critère de mort cérébrale, mais qu'on ajoutera celui de mort cardiocirculatoire.

Un plus grand nombre de transplantations

Le Dr Marsolais explique que 99 % des gens décèdent par critère cardiocirculatoire. Selon lui, la mise en place du DDC va permettre d'augmenter d'au moins 10 % le nombre d'organes disponibles.

L'initiative n'a pu être lancée plus tôt, en raison du manque de moyens techniques. Toutefois, aujourd'hui, quand le coeur cesse de battre et de nourrir les organes vitaux, les médecins ont les outils pour agir rapidement.

Pour François Pothier, professeur à l'Université Laval et membre de la Commission de l'éthique, de la science et de la technologie du Québec, cette nouvelle procédure doit être mise en place avec beaucoup de précautions. Il juge essentiel que le personnel soignant suive des étapes bien précises lorsqu'il aborde les familles: « On demande à la famille, avant tout, d'arrêter traitement. Par la suite, une autre équipe va demander à la famille si on accepte que le patient devienne donneur d'organes. »

L'an dernier, 136 Québécois ont fait don de leurs organes. Ces dons ont profité à 362 patients. Dans plusieurs pays d'Europe, une loi autorise le prélèvement automatique d'organes lors de la mort, sauf si le défunt, de son vivant, a fait connaître son refus.

Pour réduire les listes d'attente
Plus d'info
Audio et Vidéo

Esther Normand rapporte le cas d'un jeune homme dont les organes n'ont pu être donnés.
Société — Autres nouvelles
Crise au Liban
Mobilisation citoyenne
Tourisme nouveau genre?
Vente de CHOI-FM
Le CRTC tiendra des audiences en septembre
Dernières nouvelles
[ International ] – Liban
Échanges de violences
[ National ] – Soldats tués en Afghanistan
Jour de deuil
[ International ] – Évacuations du Liban



I am so deeply sorry for all the bad, unthoughtful unloving and respectless you have experienced from others on this particular day of sorrow, your deep pain and on top of that having to deal with the unforgivable way the loss happened.
You truely dont deserve this.
You beautiful, caring, loving heart - mine is crying for you.

Annette B.

I really hate that people have been so cruel to you especially your friends and family!

God will never leave you nor forsake you!

I will always be your friend and will be here for you!

Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have sorrow.
But if we are wise, we know that there's always tomorrow.

Lean on me, when you're not strong and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long 'til I'm gonna need somebody to lean on.

Please swallow your pride, if have things you need to borrow.
For no one can fill those needs that you won't let show.

You just call on me brother when you need a hand.
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem that you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean on.

Lean on me when you're not strong, and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on, for it won't be long 'til I'm gonna' need somebody to lean on.

You just call on me brother if you need a friend.
We all need somebody to lean on.
I just might have a problem that you'll understand.
We all need somebody to lean on.

If there is a load you have to bear that you can't carry.
I'm right up the road, I'll share your load if you just call on me.

Call on me ( if you need a friend)
Call on me

God Bless You Luce (\ô/)

((Warm Hugs))
Cruelty is a strong word...
I'd say they're thick...
Quite thick...
Thank you for the kind support, ladies

Thank you
God Bless you both.

Now and always.
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