Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Repent - The End Is Near!

End Time quiz - on the hyperlink provided today, courtesy of www.christianet.com! Enjoy, all of you millennialists out there - and I know you're out there and that you're many! (Not as numerous as the adversary's legions, though - whose multitudes are as the grains of sand on the beaches (I paraphrase, from The Good Book, of course! Gotta love it! :-) The Book - not necessarily those odds! :-( But The Lord Shall turn the tide of the battle - fear not, brethren! :-) Thus, all is well - even in our darkest hour(s)!
Amen To That - Aleluia!)

End Time quiz - on the hyperlink provided today, courtesy of www.christianet.com! Enjoy, all of you millennialists out there - and I know you're out there and that you're many! (Not as numerous as the adversary's legions, though - whose multitudes are as the grains of sand on the beaches (I paraphrase, from The Good Book, of course! Gotta love it! :-) The Book - not necessarily those odds! :-( But The Lord Shall turn the tide of the battle - fear not, brethren! :-) Thus, all is well - even in our darkest hour(s)!
Amen To That - Aleluia!)