Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday The 13th again... *Woooooooo*...

Okay now - forget the wolfies and things that go bump in the night...
Forget trying to picture all the Jasons you know sporting hockey masks and wielding butcher knives...
Dismiss any ridiculous superstition surrounding black cats and broken glass - and dare to be stupid all the while daring to tread underneath a ladder on this ominous day...!
All this to get to what I'm really driving at here...
And it is this: stop by this site.
I would have posted on here art clips from that site instead of "werewolfie" up there - but I am prevented from doing so, not by a Higher Power but simply because of... the insidious law of copyright! ;)
A hint is always allowed though - and so, here it is...
On that site, you will find art that is much more pleasant to the eye - not "eye candy" crappy stuff either! This quote, which is to be found on the aforementioned site, is most telling...
"The true work of art is but a shadow of the Divine Perfection" - Michelangelo
So do not be afraid, on this Friday the 13th, to click on that link! ;)
You'll be glad you did! :)