Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Greatest Action Story Ever Told...?!?

Ah, you gotta love those zany guys over at MAD TV...
God, forgive them for they do not know what they do - still, what they do manages to be respectful and hilarious at the same time! Kudos for that, funny guys! ;)
One can't help to feel, also, that James Cameron's brainchild was far less the inspiration for this (aside from the basic thinking: "hey, Termi came twice to protect some worthless cyberpunk named John Connor - surely there is worthier people to come protect from bodily harm throughout history - how about THE WORTHIEST OF ALL...?") than something else readily available out there... In fact, one cannot help wondering if the mere interaction (not to mention battles between) very apostle-like JEDI KNIGHTS and BATTLE DROIDS in Star Wars movies (particularly "Attack of the Clones"...) did not form the true basis for the following spoof...!
I believe that it surely did...
Enjoy it "while you can" - as always!

It comes complete with Portuguese subtitles too! Once again, I was fortunate enough to find such a subtitled version, on
Google ownership has not ruined it yet... Good! :)

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