Saturday, October 14, 2006
This Oughta Be Good... Lay The Blame With The Wine I Took!
Hmm... Why do I keep having this impression that I just ducked a series of ill-thought of situations? Why do I keep thinking, somewhere deep down, that I am "lucky" somehow (without being "Lucky Luciano" per say) - that I am fortunate in my misfortunes?
(Feel free to click on the Amelia Island tour after reading me, by the way... The pic at your left is also a hyperlink to the tour! Enjoy! :)
Has it got anything to do with the fact that I dodged the draft? (Oh yeah - there was no draft to dodge! Wow - see the extent of my luck?!?)
Has it got anything to do with the fact that Jason didn't show up this Friday the 13th, as feared? (That is, Jason the renovator! He is still not done refurbishing my bathroom - and he was supposed to finish the job this Friday! Couldn't make it... HA! Proof enough that if someone wants the job well done and done ON TIME - one should do it oneself! What will be his excuse, I wonder... He was out playing hockey with his buddies? Tis the season to be slashy, yeah... I hope he got a game misconduct for that... But I digress...)
Back to the topic at hand then...
So, has my feeling of being blessed -while being cursed- got anything to do with the fact that Mike Myers himself called me - THIS MONTH too, of all months - and I managed to stave off, ah, pain and discomfort shall we say?!? Hope he won't show up on my doorstep, with that hokey white mask of his and a hatchet, by the end of the month now... (Of course, the Mike Myers who called me is not the silly Austin Powers so-called actor, nor is he the Michael Myers of Halloween films - I'd rather be visited by his frequent co-star, Jamie Lee! No - this Mike Myers who did call me was yet a third guy, calling about a certain novel idea of mine... Anyway, I hope it is a novel idea! ;)
Anyways... Am I really so lucky?!?
The mere fact that I have reached adulthood while somehow escaping the clutches of the Godfather, the Fairy Godmother, Santa, Aliens, Dracula, the Headless Horseman, the Wolfman, the Howling werewolves, the Mummy, her Daddy, her In-Laws, the Broom Riders, the Wind Takers, the Sea Farers, Frankenstein, Christine and other Cars (and most fearsome of all - their drivers!!!), Cujo, Jaws, Gojira, Mighty Joe and the like... Must mean that I have SOME degree of luck on my side - huh?!?
Am I truly what some would call "a lucky guy" though?
This has been, verily, a life-long question - at least since the day when a huge stone just missed squashing me dead when I was but a wee lad, a little cutesy boy (the cutest little boy in the world, verily; but my title was never officially recognized by the board of governors of cuteness, somehow... *sigh*)
Most amazing of all, I have a prodigious memory but I don't recall the event at all - an event that could have ended my life prematurely and deprived you all of little luminous me here! Imagine the loss...!!! ;)
That huge stone was a chunk of an old wall I stood next to, on a sunny day in old Europe - whatever I was doing there, I was so captivated by it, that I never noticed the stone had even fallen down next to me!!!
I really must be an absent-minded nutty professor type...?!? :(
Since waaaaaay back too...?!?
But I digress again...
You know what IT REALLY IS...?
Ever since I lost my "bestest friend" - I have gained a guardian angel!
I have gained extra guidance - which comes to me via some subconscious channel, evidently... But comes to me it sure does!
And I am 1000% better off for it!
Thanks Dad :)
I will visit you often - until the day I too tread where you tread now...! :)
Oh - and I took no wine at all on this night! No beer either! ;)

(Feel free to click on the Amelia Island tour after reading me, by the way... The pic at your left is also a hyperlink to the tour! Enjoy! :)
Has it got anything to do with the fact that I dodged the draft? (Oh yeah - there was no draft to dodge! Wow - see the extent of my luck?!?)
Has it got anything to do with the fact that Jason didn't show up this Friday the 13th, as feared? (That is, Jason the renovator! He is still not done refurbishing my bathroom - and he was supposed to finish the job this Friday! Couldn't make it... HA! Proof enough that if someone wants the job well done and done ON TIME - one should do it oneself! What will be his excuse, I wonder... He was out playing hockey with his buddies? Tis the season to be slashy, yeah... I hope he got a game misconduct for that... But I digress...)
Back to the topic at hand then...
So, has my feeling of being blessed -while being cursed- got anything to do with the fact that Mike Myers himself called me - THIS MONTH too, of all months - and I managed to stave off, ah, pain and discomfort shall we say?!? Hope he won't show up on my doorstep, with that hokey white mask of his and a hatchet, by the end of the month now... (Of course, the Mike Myers who called me is not the silly Austin Powers so-called actor, nor is he the Michael Myers of Halloween films - I'd rather be visited by his frequent co-star, Jamie Lee! No - this Mike Myers who did call me was yet a third guy, calling about a certain novel idea of mine... Anyway, I hope it is a novel idea! ;)
Anyways... Am I really so lucky?!?
The mere fact that I have reached adulthood while somehow escaping the clutches of the Godfather, the Fairy Godmother, Santa, Aliens, Dracula, the Headless Horseman, the Wolfman, the Howling werewolves, the Mummy, her Daddy, her In-Laws, the Broom Riders, the Wind Takers, the Sea Farers, Frankenstein, Christine and other Cars (and most fearsome of all - their drivers!!!), Cujo, Jaws, Gojira, Mighty Joe and the like... Must mean that I have SOME degree of luck on my side - huh?!?
Am I truly what some would call "a lucky guy" though?
This has been, verily, a life-long question - at least since the day when a huge stone just missed squashing me dead when I was but a wee lad, a little cutesy boy (the cutest little boy in the world, verily; but my title was never officially recognized by the board of governors of cuteness, somehow... *sigh*)
Most amazing of all, I have a prodigious memory but I don't recall the event at all - an event that could have ended my life prematurely and deprived you all of little luminous me here! Imagine the loss...!!! ;)
That huge stone was a chunk of an old wall I stood next to, on a sunny day in old Europe - whatever I was doing there, I was so captivated by it, that I never noticed the stone had even fallen down next to me!!!
I really must be an absent-minded nutty professor type...?!? :(
Since waaaaaay back too...?!?
But I digress again...
You know what IT REALLY IS...?
Ever since I lost my "bestest friend" - I have gained a guardian angel!
I have gained extra guidance - which comes to me via some subconscious channel, evidently... But comes to me it sure does!
And I am 1000% better off for it!
Thanks Dad :)
I will visit you often - until the day I too tread where you tread now...! :)
