Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Why does this happen - asks the afflicted looking up to the sky...

Often we are perplexed by events in our lives, entourage, immediate surroundings... Tragic events such as natural or less-natural disasters that seem to strike randomly or not-so randomly... It all depends on the way one looks at these events. "Everything is in one's perception" - didn't Obi-Wan Kenobi say that? A different perspective can be only a very small consolation though, sometimes, if not most times indeed...

That plane that simply evaporated in Brazil - 155 dead, just like that. Were they raptured? There must have been a less explosive way to proceed then...? No amounts of reasoning will help at a time like this - the relatives of the victims are inconsolable and that is totally understandable. It shouldn't have happened - it truly shouldn't have. But it did. Perhaps the abrupt and too sudden demise of these 155 has some meaning that none of us can grasp - maybe we are to learn from it. Surely they are better off as they are, off this mad world. Surely most, if not all, are wih God now - or close to Him. Likewise for the unnecessary dead from the unexpected collapse of an overpass in Laval, Canada... And the unnecessary deceased that make up the death tolls in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world where man-made conflicts endure...

The Nigeria dam collapse victims, the victims of various natural disasters all throughout the world and other such tragedies are another story... For, in these, many see the hand of fate, destiny, kismet... The Hand of God.

The Word of God says that "for one just - fifty wayward ones will be spared". Aye - this implies that your lousy hellhole of a town will be skipped by the rampant devastation of an oncoming hurricane SIMPLY BECAUSE OF ONE JUST WHO IS THERE, AMONG YOU - likely unlauded, unremarkable, unnoticed... Hence, the village is spared because of the village idiot! How do you like that, simpleton-bashers? Don't you know by now that the meek shall inherit the Earth? Haven't you figured out that basic truth yet? How petty of you, the foolishly over-ambitious of you anyways...!

I do hope though that these "meek", who will inherit it all, will not be mere pawns that further the dark designs of others without even being aware of it... I mentioned Obi-Wan earlier - there are many more Jar Jar Binks out there than there are Obi-Wans! Must be why ol' JJB was so unpopular - people don't like to see allegorical representations of what they basically are, grown out of proportion to the point of being grotesque, because of overemphasized flaws of character, even if only basic trivial clumsiness or common greed...

What we truly all need to remember is that earthly life is ephemeral - and we cannot hide what we are before All-Mighty God.

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