Friday, November 10, 2006
Friday Free-For-All...!!!
Ok - today, I am looking for a fight and I will find it all right!
Since sparring partners are rare, few and scaredy-kitty-kitties, maybe I ought to seek on the corporative side to satisfy my belligerent yearnings?
Fortunately, there is always opportunities to sue out there - and there are always lawyers looking forward to represent you in any conceivable litigious situation there is...! Case in point...

I can easily choose to take offense to the claims made there which say that "I am Luminous" - when I have made the same claim here since October of 2003!
And "this is what Luminous looks like"?!?
No - I am not a black chick!
I am not Oprah; I am Luciano! ;)
Do I have a case though?
That remains to be seen...
I am sure tons of pettifoggers out there
are eager to find out for me!
Still, in the words of a Lebanese guy who used to get on my nerves -and he also got on my dad's nerves, back in the day- if this legal action accomplishes nothing, it will at the very least reaffirm the fact that I can and am willing to "faire la chicane avec tout l'monde"! ;) *lol*
I must have some Irish in me - I like to fight!
I make some noise - and I always win, in some poetic way or more concrete way - or unequivocal way, when it comes to dealing with turds mano-a-mano!
Ah, but that is another story! ;)
Labels: Luminous Luciano, Luminous versus Luminous
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Ah yes, of course - the cardinal rule of the cliffhanger!
It keeps readers coming back for more! Well, one hopes it does, at least!
The "but that's another story" line though is a tribute to the character "Mustache" played by Lou Jacobi in the classic comedy "Irma La Douce"! ;)
So, I really have a double reason to keep on using it!
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It keeps readers coming back for more! Well, one hopes it does, at least!
The "but that's another story" line though is a tribute to the character "Mustache" played by Lou Jacobi in the classic comedy "Irma La Douce"! ;)
So, I really have a double reason to keep on using it!
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