Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Saints & Angels: The TLB Prime Series

What better than to have an *incomplete* listing (very much so - not really due to the fact that there are too many to list, like the Kenner Star Wars action figures of the 1980s, but really because there's no perfection on this side of God's Creation...) an extremely incomplete list, hence, of all of our favorite saintly men and saintly women here, on TLB Prime - on this day, All-Saints' Day! An all-inclusive list, to the best of our capacity on such short notice, and an all-hyperlinked list too!
Enjoy clicking away...
First off, may St. Isidore of Seville, proposed patron saint of internet users, bless you all!
There is no saintlier man or child than Jesus, The Christ, Son of God though...
Onwards now with Mary, Holy Virgin Mother of Jesus, Gabriel The Archangel, Padre Cruz, Matilda of Saxony, Benedict II, João Jacinto Borges Pimentel, Acacius of Byzantium, John The Apostle, Michael The Archangel, Bernadette of Lourdes, Lucia of Fatima, John The Baptist, Simeon Stylites The Younger, Jaime Luciano Balmes, Peter The Apostle, Paul The Apostle, Luke The Evangelist, St. Vincent de Paul, Clare of Assisi, Thérèse of Lisieux, Thomas The Apostle, Thomas of Aquinas, St. Antonio of Padua, Joseph of Arimathea, St. Joseph, St. Filomena, Francis of Assisi, Francis of Borgia, Mary de la Cabeza, Pierre Bonhomme, Seraphim of Sarov, The Martyrs of Lichfield, William of York, Margaret of Castello, Ida of Boulogne, Jacques Laval, Isaac The Great... as well as all the previously spotlighted saints and angelic ones, featured here in the illustrious past of TLB Prime's very own "Saints & Angels" tradition... Look for them all, in the luminous archives! :)
Some, like Conan O'Brien, go out of their way to concoct specials on ghoulish festive days when things go bump in the night (e.g. the entire episode -season 13, #2304- broadcast in daring "skelevision" on October 31st...)
Others, such as, oh, I don't know... Luciano Pimentel? They will rather make specials on true holidays! To each his or her own, eh? ;)
Labels: Saints And Angels