Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Time to start re-introducing some of my other luminous productions, part of the now vast and star-spanning -almost- TLB PRIME NETWORK... For two very good reasons too: they are worth discovering too, as this, the main blog, the nevralgic center of this network, the main event surely is... AND simply because I cannot seem to find the time to blog all-new, all-original, all-luminous posts these days...!
Hence, from luminous we go to... lunatic, today...!?

The Lunacy Blog presents:
Peeps Need To Be Told How To Buy A Piece Of Crap Still...?!?
Editor's Picks:
How to Buy a Computer
Whether you need a computer for your home-based business, to keep in touch with family and friends or just to surf the Internet, the PC has quickly become one of the most important devices in our homes

HA! They have got to be kidding - right?
As all-indispensable as the PCs may have become, they remain only a tool still and, for a great many numbskulls out there, only a very expensive TOY too!
Many are those who haven't got a clue as to how to make an efficient and truly proactive use of their PC - they use it as either a game station or a stereo or as means to send cheap greeting cards (paying the ISP, the portion of your electricity bill that stems directly from PC use, overuse or abuse and paying for the PC itself runs the total cost considerably higher though than it would have cost you to send a few of the pricier Hallmark offerings via traditional mail a.k.a. snail mail... But I digress...)
Few are those among the newer PC acquirers who figure out quickly that making money with the PC is a possibility - that the PC is NOT a money pit - that the PC can in fact be a working tool as well as being an entertainment center...
The PC at work and the PC at home are two different things for most of those who do know so much and practice hard labor in an office - but really, with so much at one's disposal, there should be no dichotomy about this anymore, by now! A PC should be both a working aid and a home device - always! It would make work much more pleasant and entertainment and leisure time activities that much more well-structured too... Then again, maybe dropouts and slackers who fancy themselves as champion computer "wizzes" and virus-sprouters do not seek structure - only chaos...
But that is another story...

For more virulent posts such as this one - always inspired by "what's happening" - check out The Lunacy Blog's archives...! ;)

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