Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


A warning to the wise though: no excesses of ambition need be here - after all, over-indulgence, of just about anything on God's green earth does *not* bring anyone happiness, ever!
Doing the right thing at the right time does, yes...! ;)
Hmm... There's that word *time* yet again...! ;)

Hildegard Von Bingen knew that better than anybody else... Click on the "pic" (drawing really) and reacquaint yourself with her mesmerizing music!

Natacha Atlas has acquired some of that wisdom, by proxy, especially when she covered a certain song - click on her picture and hear it again too! ;)

QuickTime required in both cases - yes, *time* - yet again!

Oh, and time to wish happy birthday to a timely interventionist... Nostradamus!

How fitting that his birthday comes up in such a truly timely manner, when my nod to him in prose is on display somewhere out there on the wild wild internet indeed...!

Happy Birthday...

Joyeux Anniversaire
Michel de Nostredame!
Now, about that 3797 A.D. thing, Mic...


Ah yes - the first pic here, about believing (...) is trademark and copyrighted to our good friend Holly aka Wolf Singer aka the proprietor of "The Holly Tree" - over at Bravenet!

As stated in the very first post of this very blog, sharing it with *my* audience is all for the greater good and no profit whatsoever is made here, hence...

Look for my own "works of art with the written word" - forthcoming, thanks to Microsoft Picture It! and yours truly, Luminous Luciano!

And always make sure to click on them henceforth too - you never know what wonders they conceal!

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