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Monday, January 15, 2007

2007 could be the warmest year ever...

Tell that to the fine denizens of the province of Saskatchewan, Canada...
These past few days, they have been reacquainted with the concepts of "deep freeze", "killer cold" and "frostbite" like never before in their lives...
Skin exposure to this cold would lead to any and all of these things within 10 minutes!
Three women have died from exposure to this cold - two because they made the mistake of leaving their stranded car in the middle of a blizzard to venture a little farther away to get help from a garage... Another because she chose the wrongest day of all to go for a walk - she was later found frozen to death a mere 200 feet from her home.

The news coverage does not tell us how all these sasquatches -to be surely found out there- are coping with the cold, though...

Seriously now, not the slightest consideration seems to be given to the animals that might be freezing to death too, unable to cope with such sudden climactic changes themselves, despite the fur they have on themselves... Fur, feathers or whatever... Wild birds will freeze to death. I will never forget the sight of a tiny crow, frozen solid, near an overpass (no, not the one that collapsed - maybe it will be the NEXT ONE to collapse though... Who knows? Crazier things have happened "na Laval" as cousin Adriano would say... But those are other stories!)
Bird brains are excused for not having had the foresight and simple common sense to fly away when they could have... (Not that "snowbirds" as they call them here -not feathered freaks at all; but freaks nonetheless- are any smarter - cause they're not. They're just more able to move about...)
What's our excuse though? Why do we put up with such atrocious weather - ever since Jacques Cartier's mistake? Sons and descendents do pay for their fathers' sins or errors, I tell you... Canadians are paying for France's cupidity in wanting a chunk of "the New World" so damn bad - and for England's stubbornness as well!
The poor animals though -what's left of the wild life here- they have no choice in the matter and are simply there; not their fault or even their furthest sire's fault if their species came to be here...

I'll feel sympathy for the plight of a four-legged critter sooner than I'll feel empathy for a two-legged hypocrite's just desserts, I tell ya... ;)
Hell will freeze over on the day that I place any human sinner over, say, a wolfpack that doesn't know any better and simply goes on survival instinct alone... There's no malice there; the same cannot be said about the human...

Back to the "Lady Amongst Provinces" now (with apologies to Manitoba...)
Alberta has been under the brunt of the polar blasts too lately - it is where, it is odd to note, one can find the North and South ends of the Saskatchewan river as well as Fort Saskatchewan... They are not "twin provinces", as they have Manitoba stashed right in between them (they might be triplets then?)
The Saskatchewan river is the one body of water around which legendary gold is reputed to be found. But not even Lafayette French, BlackJack or any other would-be goldmine prospector of old would try to find that gold now, in such a cold time of the year... Truth is, no one has found it since BlackJack's equally cold-blooded murder - hence its legendary status! And they sure have searched for it, long often and hard, when the weather is more agreeable for such a thing - obviously!

Today, I get out of the house in the morning to be met by near-blizzard-like conditions right here as well...

And the "experts" say 2007 will be the warmest year ever...?
Like hell it will...

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