Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

En lieu et place de "Statistics Sundays" - les Nouvelles! Le Vrai Pouls des Gens - Et De Leur Folie Collective! :)

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A Gossipy twist now...

Cameron Diaz just recently parted with younger loverboy Justin Timberlake - she was found to be willing to part with men altogether and actually expressed her desire to have her next relationship be with another woman...

How un-luminous is this, hmm?

It speaks very poorly of Justin T's manhood or overall abilities as a lover though - he saw Britney Spears kiss Mad-Onna Esther Veronica Electronica (yes - she must be 5 women in 1, at least! A schizophrenic by any other name - among other things! But that is another story indeed!) on stage, right before him, at those memorable MTV Awards... Granted, Britney (aka "B.S." - who said your initials could make or break you; or that they were indicative of any kind of success that you'd have during the course of your life?) went right back to a skinny-scrawny all-around unmanly man - in that K-Fed dude... That alone makes one wonder even MORE actually - because as far as I am concerned, K-Fed and Just-T are interchangeable! And dear B.S. started hanging out with Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan right after breaking up with K-Fed, so... And now Cameron is turned off boys by Justin too...? Hmm... One can be led to question Justin's abilities INDEED here...! By association as well as by other glaring factors as well!

But I digress...

I couldn't help to notice that ANGELINA JOLIE is the star mentioned right under Cameron's headline...

Angelina Jolie and "The Pittster" are as fickle a dalliance as any of the above-mentioned ones... Worse still - it is an adulterous one! Add to that Angelina's tima and again professed adulation of women - and the reciprocal nature of that adulation... You see where I'm getting at here? I know you do!

Cameron & Angelina will be starring in a remake of the Tina Louise classic B-movie Saffo Venere Di Lesbos - soon!

Don't watch it in theaters - wait for the release of the bootlegged DVD!


I promise:

In the future, no more salacious gossipy material on THE LUMINOUS BLOG...!

It is beneath TLB PRIME!
It is beneath LUMINOUS!

I'll save that stuff for THE LUNACY BLOG instead! ;)

As it used to be - and will continue to be!

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