Saturday, November 01, 2008
Saints & Angels: The TLB Prime series

What better time than ALL-SAINTS DAY to bring back this feature to TLB PRIME!
"Um santo é alguém que, apesar dos limites e defeitos, vive plenamente a vida de Deus. Com humildade a vive, não precisa de o mostrar aos outros".
"A saint is someone who, despite his limitations and flaws, lives fully and completely a Godly life with humility; for he does not need to show it to others".
- PADRE CRUZ (1859-1948), translated by Luciano Pimentel (1969-20__)
Sometimes, a tiny glimpse of our budding saintliness peeks outside though, into the sinful realm we call our world/society...
And that is when we get to notice the "everysaint" in our midst, I say... An everyman or everywoman whose presence we'd fail to notice completely otherwise.
"I was just sitting around thinking about why I bother to sign petitions. I do it because it is the only way that some things will change. Sure, it seems like the world is going to hell in a handbasket, but what person in what time doesn't feel this way.
I'm not rich, in fact I'm quite poor and I cannot afford to become a charter member. Signing petitions is all that I can do right now. If times change and I become financially able to contribute to these worthy causes, I will do so, but until that happens I will continue to sign petitions and even after that happens you can count on my name being there."
- Shanna,
Let us attempt to be like Shanna and others like her, today and every other day of our passage on this earth - let us make a difference, do GOOD where we can, when we can. Any which way we can!
God Is an understanding God; He Will Reward it all.
Let us just try and be saintly.
Labels: Saints And Angels