Friday, February 23, 2007
Luminous Friday Night Music Time Again - Plus: A Bonus - Magic Time Too!

So then - some more music - a magic act - and we all go to bed happy; right?
One can hope for so much - however, in this day and age of profound discontent, where jobs and lives are lost routinely; there is strife everywhere; and not a glimmer of hope to be found (aside from the Almighty, really) - how can I seriously expect to make any kind of difference here with my trivial entertainment?!?
Oh well - seek solace, L.O.V.s and other strangers, in the comforting realization that, HERE -on TLB Prime- you got it all FOR FREE!
Not counting your ISP charges - of course! ;)
Onwards with the music & the magic then...!
And now, our magic trick then...

So now then - you do my bidding!
Or... I do yours?
No - that's not right! I won't... ever...
Yes, Master. :!