Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Smells Like Zeitgeist...

A special edition of statistics sundays... sort of!

The nod to the famous Weird Al song... I mean, to the Nirvana classic, "Smells Like Teen Spirit", is once more a sardonic bit and to be taken lightly - not as Lightly as "being in The Light" but lightly as being in on the joke!
For zeitgeist is the spirit of the times we live in - and these times suck mightily! (Once again, a clarification if a clarification is required, that is "mightily" as in "bad" and not as in "splendid-magnificent-breathtaking" - at all!)
And I dare presume that I need not clarify my position as far as any "teen spirit" goes either - it sucked before Kurt killed himself and it sucks this many years after he killed himself... Case closed.
(That is Kurt Cobain, not Kurt Wagner (I wish he could off himself - ITSELF really - alas, only a hack can do that, with a swift dab of his imaginary quill...!) and not even Kurt Russell, who is still alive -somewhere- despite his virtual disappearance from our screens and from Goldie Hawn's bed, bank statements and life overall... But I digress...)

I will get back to the sad case of teen so-called spirit - and why it should be in the dumps! Not all teens, of course - there are always decent kids, for every dozen or so rotten ones - but certainly the ones to be found on certain corners (both of our streets as of the virtual confines of YouTube) leave a lot to be desired... MORE ON THAT IN A FEW DAYS... But, for now, we shall focus on what interests surfers of ALL ages - according to our benefactor -yours and mine, yes- Google! ;)

Ah, yes - every year, Google issues its year-end Zeitgeist, an account of the hottest searches in 2006...
For some odd reason, bloggers who owe it all to Google (all the crap that gets to be "published" on Blogger, for free - it may yet have gotten to be about as bad as all the crap that gets published in the book industry, for a price, by now... But I digress again...) all those blogger boogers, thus, "immediately felt the list's creators were fudging it a little for decency's sake". Google responded on its blog saying the list was edited in accordance to the queries made by web searchers this year as opposed to 2005. The difference gives a fair estimate of "what's on people's minds"...
Hmm... Judging by the results, I actually am forced to forego my usual theory ("not much at all there") and go with "wow" - for once!
Mais une fois n'est pas coutume... ;)

If Google News results are somewhat disappointing (being topped off by the inane Paris Hilton and Orlando Bloom - marry them off and rocket them off for a honeymoon on the actual lone natural satellite that the planet has, I say! THEN they will legitimately make headlines!) they get to be better with topics such as autism, cancer, bankruptcy, Hurricane Katrina and even podcasting making "the cut" to crack the top ten. Martina Hingis' presence there, as much as the top two spots, are the perplexing part though... Otherwise, what is on people's minds seems to be what should be on people's minds; and those are glum thoughts! :)

The top searches are as follows:
1. bebo
2. myspace
3. world cup
4. metacafe
5. radioblog
6. wikipedia
7. video
8. rebelde
9. mininova
10. wiki
I suppose that makes us all out to be what I knew us to be like all along after all - trivial fluffs! Let us all rejoice in that knowledge then; for if we have nothing more serious to search about en masse there, on the world wide web, it surely means that we live as close as it can get to be carefree lives (if that is not actually careless lives, really...) which means in turn that we haven't suffered much at all, that we've been spared, that we've been spoiled rotten and that there will be hell to pay - but not just yet!
So we can relax, enjoy ourselves and keep on being fluffs! ;)
Hi there, fluffy! (Fluffy, The Empire Slayer? Ever seen The Decline of the American Empire? No? Good for you! Carry on then...)


Googler insights into product and technology news and our culture.

How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
12/28/2006 04:01:00 PM

Posted by Artem Boytsov, Software Engineer

The Zeitgeist is "the spirit of time." This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the period -- the truth is, they don't change that much from year to year. This list would be predominated by very generic searches, such as "ebay", "dictionary", "yellow pages," "games," "maps" -- and of course, a number of X-rated keywords. These are constants, and although unquestionably popular, we don't think they actually define the Zeitgeist.

Instead, we looked for those searches that were very popular in 2006 but were not as popular in 2005 -- the explosive queries, the topics that everyone obsessed over. To come up with this list, we looked at several thousand of 2006's most popular searches, and ranked them based on how much their popularity increased compared to 2005. ("Bebo", for example, had very little traffic in 2005.) We also gave a bit higher score to searches with more traffic. Similarly, our "what is" and "who is" lists are not necessarily the absolute most frequent searches, but rather those that best represent the passing year.

A final note: there was some confusion over the use of descriptors like "most popular" and "fastest-gaining" in media reports about our Zeitgeist. We've edited the 2006 Year-End Zeitgeist description to be more accurate on this point: "we compared frequent queries this year against 2005 to see what sorts of things were top of mind."

We hope you enjoyed our year-end Zeitgeist as much as we enjoyed working on it!










Links to this post:
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The fat edition. Improvements, food, dietary and body fat, scholars, research, incubations, and the respective Zeitgeist. Make only six improvements to your blog, has it in a nice list, consider linking, ...
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Декабрьские промахи Google (или немного желчи)
Оригинал опубликован на Все новости Google. Там же можно и комментировать. Авторитетное на западе издание AP рассказало, что , несмотря на то, что Google старается защитить данные пользователей, нет никаких гарантий, ...
posted by Все новости Google @ 12:45
How Google came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
The Zeitgeist, they explain, is "the spirit of time." Now, it's true that the lists of top searches on for 2006 will only tell you, roughly, what most people were thinking about (or maybe, preoccupied with), rather than what ...
posted by Pamela @ 11:11
16 个主题中 19 个新帖子 - 汇总 * 海外版望海楼:给孙悟空号脉- 1 个帖子,1 位作者. com/group/Go2group/browse_thread/thread/cd2dbb27bc23c4b0?hl=zh-CN ...
posted by 网络新闻 @ 04:55
Google Defends "Meaningless" Zeitgeist
When Google put out its year-end Zeitgeist, an account of the hottest searches in 2006, bloggers immediately felt the list's creators were fudging it a little for decency's sake. Google responded on its blog saying the list was edited ...
posted by Affiliate Marketing News @ 21:09
Nestoria Zeitgeist on the horizon?
The latest post on the Nestoria blog highlights the top 10 property searches for 2006. Given that Nestoria has only been around for just over 6 months; it's hard to accept this list as definitive, but the Nestoria team admit that having ...
posted by real estate enthusiast @ 12:39
from Google: 2006 Zeitgeist
interesting read: The 2006 Year-End Google Zeitgeist, and the related post on the official Google blog.
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Lo más buscado el 2006
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posted by tricky @ 17:42
Google Zeitgeist data is “the spirit of time”
Google today gave a good insight in how search terms make it into thier Zeitgeist data list. According to Artem Boytsov over at the offical Google Blog he revealed that volume doesn’t really influence the rankings of the table more that ...
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My God, people, calm down!
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Google's 2006 year-end zeitgeist What better way to finish a year ...
Google's 2006 year-end zeitgeist. What better way to finish a year than with a good’ol’fashioned Zeitgeist. However the 2006 Google Zeitgeist has been calculated in a slightly different manner. Instead of simply ranking the most popular ...
posted by Ed @ 09:02
December Recap: Myths, Accusations, and Twists
December was a peaceful month for Google. An AP article explained us that: "Even if Google stands by its promise to protect its users' information, there are no guarantees that mischief-making computer hackers or crusading government ...
posted by Ionut Alex. Chitu @ 09:02
December Recap: Myths, Accusations, and Twists
December Recap: Myths, Accusations, and Twists. December was a peaceful month for Google. An AP article explained us that: "Even if Google stands by its promise to protect its users' information, there are no guarantees that ...
posted by Google Operating System @ 02:22
End of 2006
Every year the blogosphere has a bunch of interesting articles and end of year collections. Since I'm not going to be home tomorrow, I figured I would post a little early and list some of them. To start off, Google has their annual end ...
posted by Ben @ 18:50
The End of the Year that Came Before The End of The Year
And Google officially joins the list of blogs that have put up end of the year posts before the end of the year. Other blogs of note being Scoble, who to be fair, only posted it because somebody else did the leg work for him, ...
posted by jeremy @ 17:00
Top Web Searches for 2006
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posted by Rom @ 15:34
Top Suchergebnisse 2006
So, das Jahr scheint auch schon bei Google zu Ende zu sein. Wie jedes Jahr wurden bei Google Zeigeist die Top Searches 2006 veröffentlicht. Yahoo hat auch schon seine Ergebnisse veröffentlicht. Ergebnisse gibt es auch schon von MSN. ...
posted by RaymaN @ 04:47
Links for 2006-12-29 [My Web 2.0]
Official Google Blog: How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data. GigaOM » Google Explains Wack Zeitgest Criteria. John Battelle’s Searchblog: 2006 Predictions: How Did I Do? Options inquiry at Apple exonerates Jobs - Business ...
posted by renaissancechambara @ 04:28
Official Google Blog: How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
The Zeitgeist is "the spirit of time." This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the period -- the truth is, they don't change ...
posted by paperscratcher @ 21:20
Ma voi che cosa cercate su Google?
Google ha prodotto una classifica che non è quella delle parole o delle espressioni più cercate ma definisce quello che, secondo Mountain View, è lo Zeitgeist, lo spirito del tempo. È la classifica delle parole o delle espressioni che ...
posted by @ 14:54
Zeitgeist: Google reveals the spirit of the time
One more year is ending... Time for new year's resolutions, exchange of gifts, and ... Google Zeitgeist. The annual reviews of the most searched terms in Google is coming again, showing the keywords and phrases that have been searched ...
posted by Carlos @ 14:14
Nintendo Wii: "How about a 12 person multiplayer game?"
Solving The Duplicate Submission Problem. 714 Britney Spears' #1 Fansite Closes Because Owner Says Britney's "Done" MrBabyMan MrBabyMan 15 Ruben Garay, who has hosted since October 2000, ...
posted by digg / News @ 13:45
Zeitgeist in Erklärungsnot
Der Zeitgeist ist per se ein flüchtiges Wesen dessen schwer habhaft zu werden ist. Er besteht schon vom Namen her aus zwei zwar reizenden doch zugleich unsteten Kandidaten: der Zeit, die gemessen voranschreitet in Richtung Verfall, ...
posted by Thomas Jöchler @ 13:28
Day of the Google
Clean it up. Trust, its a funny concept isn’t it? It rates quite a lengthy entry in Wikipedia and its nature is described ‘the subtleties of trust are a subject of passionate debate’. It can take years to build up and a moment to lose ...
posted by renaissancechambara @ 12:48
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Here's the latest Silicon Valley round-up:. Is the "Browser Operating System" finally coming? -- Google and others have built all these online applications that can, collectively, take the place of Microsoft Office. ...
posted by Matt Marshall @ 12:45
Google Releases Top Search Terms of ‘06, but Wait…
Go read this article on TechCrunch about Google’s release of the top search terms of 2006 (here). You’ll find a couple quoted statements from Google explaining why the list is in actuality inaccurate and meanlingless. ...
posted by Buzz @ 12:00
Google using blog for clarification of "Zeitgest"
Official Google Blog: How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data Another good use of a blog for corporate communication. This is information that didn't necessarily warrant a separate press release but that many will find useful.
posted by Josh @ 11:22
Zeitgeist 2006 Conclusion: People are Lame
Google's Zeitgeist page tracks popular user searches and every year they publish a year-end list of the terms that were more popular during the current year as compared to the previous year. The 2006 Zeitgeist was just posted and ...
posted by ehaab @ 11:10
Duhec Googlove svetilke 2006
Če kdo kaj pozna položaj in moment današnjega digitaliziranega socializiranja, je to Google. Podobno kot ob koncu prejšnih let, je tudi letos objavil Year-End Google Zeitgeist. Ponovno sta se vzela Nicole Kidman in Tom Cruise. ...
posted by robert79 @ 10:53
2oo7, kolejny rok g00gle'a?
wszyscy się bawią w domorosłych (blogorosłych?) historyków i futurystów. blogosfera wręcz zaroiła się od podsumowań oraz przepowiedni, tak jakby pod każdą choinką blogowicze znaleźli wehikuł czasu z jednym biegiem (wstecznym) i szklaną ...
posted by @ 10:07
The Truth about Google's year-end Zeitgeist data
I figured the year-end Zeitgeist data wasn't necessarily just a list of the most popular searches for the year. This hunch was confirmed by this post on the Google blog that explains how they compile the data for that report. ...
posted by Dave @ 09:38
Google Zeitgeist and Yahoo Buzz Index Click Fraud
There's quite a fuss about the year end Google Zeitgeist. The basic objection seems to be that the searches highlighted are not really the popular searches from 2006. Whatever. It's editorial content. It's for entertainment value. ...
posted by Richard @ 08:20
Top Googles
Top Googles. How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data. The Googlers like to call their year end Top 10 list Zeitgeist it's the spirit of time. Sex and Games have always been the top searches, but the Googlers filter the results and ...
posted by eagle @ 07:57
Not Top Searches from the Top Search Corporation?
It is December 29, the last working day of 2006, and I was just browsing the Google blog and found a new entry about their Zeitgeist list for 2006. The posting is a rather curious study in verbiage. Take, for example, this sentence: ...
posted by creativeliberty @ 07:55
Zeitgeist Data, Frog Princes, Free Laptops, & The End of Social Media?
Smglinkroundup_2 There's been a lot brewing in the Internet Marketing world the past few days, so much that I throw up my hands and wonder what to really look at and analyze. While I sit and ponder what in-depth knowledge to relate back ...
posted by Li @ 07:35
Klarstellung von Google zum Google Zeitgeist 2006
Seit der Veröffentlichung des Google Zeitgeist 2006 gab es einige Verwirrung um das zustande kommen. Google hat daher mit einer Klarstellung reagiert. Bei der Erstellung des Google Zeitgeistes spiele das Wachstum der Suchen zum Vorjahr ...
posted by Jojo @ 07:25
Zeitgest Top Ten
Top Googles. How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data. The Googlers like to call their year end Top 10 list Zeitgeist is the spirit of time. Sex and Games have always been the top searches, but the Googlers filter the results and ...
posted by condor @ 07:08
今天透過TechCrunch上的這篇文章,才知道Google前陣子公布了「2006年度風雲關鍵字」。 依據Google在這篇文章的解釋,這並不是單純地將出現最多次的搜尋關鍵字列出來,因為 搜尋次數排行榜的常勝軍老是同樣幾個,不外乎一些成人色情相關的關鍵字,或是一些 ...
posted by asker @ 06:44
Top Googles
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data. The Googlers like to call their year end Top 10 list Zeitgeist it's the spirit of time. Sex and Games have always been the top searches, but the Googlers filter the results and come-up with ...
posted by paul @ 06:30
Google Zeitgeist 2006
Last year I wrote about Google Zeitgiest from my IBM Thinkpad at LAX waiting to catch my plane to Richmond. I thought I was cool. Now I know I’m cool. But Google is not. They just lost a lot of street cred because Michael Arrington of ...
posted by mattrock @ 06:14
Google Zeitgest not about most searched keywords
From the Google Blog, in response to raised eyebrows regarding the 2006 Google Zeitgeist:. The Zeitgeist is “the spirit of time.” This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply ...
posted by Thord Daniel Hedengren @ 06:00
米Googleが先日発表した検索エンジンで多く検索された用語ランキングは内容に変化を 出すために、グーグルの意図で集計し直したものだった。グーグル側もその事実を公式ブ ログで認めており、TechCrunchは「Googleのトップ検索用語のリストは根拠なし」と ...
posted by @ 05:30
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
Posted by Artem Boytsov, Software Engineer The Zeitgeist is "the spirit of time." This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the ...
posted by NurAzije - Ashraf Gheith @ 05:20
Google's Not So Top Terms & Top US Gainers For 2006
Last week, I wrote The Lies Of Top Search Terms Of The Year covering how the top terms of 2006 from Google turned out not to be the top terms at all in raw popularity. I caught up with Google at the end of that week to talk about this ...
posted by @ 04:52
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data (Artem Boytsov ...
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data — The Zeitgeist is "the spirit of time." This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the ...
posted by @ 03:00
בגוגל מודים: זו סתם רשימה
לפני שבוע המלצתי לקרוא את רשימתה של רויטל סלומון שעסקה בדירוג עשרת החיפושים הפופולאריים של גוגל לשנת 2006. הטענה של רויטל היתה שהרשימה בעצם לא אומרת שום דבר על שום כלום וזאת בשל הדרך שבה גוגל מכינה אותה. ...
posted by יובל @ 02:13
Google's popular searches of '06 turn out to be not so popular ...
We all saw the Google Zeitgeist of 2006 year end search terms, and some people thought they were, well, a bit odd, with things like bebo being in #1 position. In a clarification Official Google Blog: How we came up with year-end ...
posted by philipbradley @ 01:58
Så bearbetade Google sin topplista med sökningar 2006
Säkert har du redan sett listor med “mest eftersökt på Google” lite var stans på webben vid det här laget. Flera har exempelvis reagerat på att communityt Bebo kom i topp på listan — men det har sin förklaring. 1. bebo 2. myspace ...
posted by Beta Alfa @ 01:56
Google Zeitgeist
Google Blog on How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data.
posted by newfolder @ 01:21
De zeitgeist van 2006: wat was er hot dit jaar?
Nu het einde nadert (het einde van het jaar althans) is het tijd voor een flashback. Over het algemeen kunnen we denk ik wel stellen dat 2006 een goed jaar is geweest. Als we alleen al naar BlueAce kijken dan zien we daar een toename ...
posted by Robert Gaal @ 01:01
12/28/2006 04:01:00 PM Posted by Artem Boytsov, Software Engineer. Zeitgeist意味着“ 时代精神”。这就是为什么当我们列出2006年GoogleTop搜索关键词榜单的时候,并没有简单 的把这一期间最经常被搜索的关键词列出来-- 事实是,它们并没怎么随着年份而 ...
posted by Googler @ 00:35
Najhľadanejšie výrazy na Google v roku 2006 nie sú najhľadanejšími
Google, rovnako ako väčšina vyhľadávačov, zverejňuje na konci každého roka zoznam najhľadanejších výrazov – Google Zeitgeist. Až doteraz sme si mysleli, že tento zoznam bol naozaj zoznamom top výrazov. Podozrenie začalo tohto roku, ...
posted by @ 00:06
Searching for 2006
It’s that time of the year again when everyone gets a bit sentimental and emotional and looks back at the year. The search engines have done their bit by releasing their list of hottest search terms of 2006. This time around these lists ...
posted by Pallab @ 23:39
Google Zeitgeist: How do they do it?
As a quick follow-up to my post last week on the Google Zeitgeist, the official Google Blog has provided details on how they come up with their annual Zeitgeist stats. And it’s not based on the most common searches (thank GOD).
posted by Jeff Hester @ 23:23
Google Clarifies the Meaning of Zeitgeist Top Searches
Google explains how the Google Zeitgeist Top 2006 Searches list was made. It was basically a measurement of which searches grew the most rapidly in 2006, minus some which Google decided were not in the “the spirit of time” in 2007. ...
posted by aplatti @ 22:06
Google Top Searches: Based on Nothing
Google Top Searches: Based on Nothing. Michael Arrington. 10 comments ». Google made a clarification today to their much criticized list of most popular queries in their search engine. The list raised eyebrows because it included some ...
posted by @ 21:29
The Increasing 'Socialization' of Technology...
The Most Significant Technology Trend of 2006 Well, it sure was an incredible year for technology.The ghosts of the tech bubble burst of 2000 were well and truly buried this year. While much of the 1980s were spent in apprehension of ...
posted by V P Kochikar, Dr. @ 20:53
Official Google Blog: How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
The Zeitgeist is “the spirit of time.” This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the period — the truth is, they don’t change that ...
posted by Chris Heath @ 20:34
Google’s 2006 Top Searches are Not Really
After much controversy and criticism about it’s 2006 top searches list which started after terms such as “bebo” topped the list while the service itself is not as popular. Google came out and publicly commented about the way in which ...
posted by Gilad @ 20:14
Google Top Searches: Based on Nothing
Google made a clarification today to their much criticized list of most popular queries in their search engine. The list raised eyebrows because it included some fairly unlikely terms. "Bebo" for example, was the number one term on the ...
posted by @ 19:42
Google Zeitgeist 2006
Google Zeitgeist 2006 is out. Along with an explanation on how the data is compiled on the Google Blog: …we looked for those searches that were very popular in 2006 but were not as popular in 2005 — the explosive queries, ...
posted by Robert @ 19:38
Google Top Searches: Based on Nothing
Google made a clarification today to their much criticized list of most popular queries in their search engine. The list raised eyebrows because it included some fairly unlikely terms. “Bebo” for example, was the number one term on the ...
posted by Subscriber @ 19:27
Google explains how they came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
I’ve read the Zeitgeist reports each year and found them sometime boring and sometimes intersting/boring. Well this year they posted on the Official Google Blog on how they come up with the idea. And made a little more sense on why some ...
posted by Patrick Havens @ 19:23
Google’s 2006 Zeitgeist
You are probably saying to yourself “ 9googleblog.gifHuh? WTF?“. Maybe you already viewed it like many of my readers and enjoyed the pure statistics of the data that Google was able to compile this year. If you read the above Google ...
posted by rexdixon @ 19:19
Google’s 2006 Zeitgeist - Top Search Terms
Goolge has posted it’s top search terms of 2006 in it’s annual Zeitgeist:. 1. bebo 2. myspace 3. world cup 4. metacafe 5. radioblog 6. wikipedia 7. video 8. rebelde 9. mininova 10. wiki. NB: Note that Google tinkers with these results ...
posted by Chris Paton @ 18:49
Some Roundups
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data - Looks like some people have question about it… Instead, we looked for those searches that were very popular in 2006 but were not as popular in 2005 — the explosive queries, the topics that ...
posted by Haochi @ 18:26
Gmail Fetcher & Google End Year Zeitgeist
Official Google Blog:. How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data. Google Press Center:. Google Year-End Zeitgeist Highlights Most Popular Search Queries and Trends of 2006. Google Blogoscoped:. Gmail Mail Fetcher Screenshots ...
posted by Zach @ 18:10
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
Posted by Artem Boytsov, Software Engineer The Zeitgeist is "the spirit of time." This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006 , we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the ...
posted by @ 18:02
Google Explains Wack Zeitgest Criteria
Google posted to its official blog to better explain its year-end Zeitgest search list. The description originally given when the list was released last week was irresponsibly sloppy, leading many to label it as the search engine’s most ...
posted by Liz Gannes @ 17:36
How we came up with year-end Zeitgeist data
Posted by Artem Boytsov, Software Engineer The Zeitgeist is “the spirit of time.” This is why when we come up with the lists of top searches on for 2006, we do not simply retrieve the most frequently-searched terms for the … ...
posted by @ 16:01
Liens du jour
Les 50 plus beaux designs de l’année. Et voici les plus fresh selon Wisdump. Via entreprise_et_blog. Le mot “wikipedia” en 6ème position du Zeitgeist 2006 de Google (”wiki” en 10ème) montre qu’on ne fait plus seulement confiance au ...
posted by Ollie @ 01:46

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