Wednesday, February 07, 2007
wednesday weirdness
Judging from the past two posts, some of you could have expected a whole week's worth of gif imageries - cutesy pictures and, maybe, even daring ones too - for today we are Wednesday and this being the ''officious'' hump day, common sense declares carte blanche today for all sorts of morals-defying images...! Such is the case anyhow on many a ''social networking website'' (places like, Frappr, Care2Connect, Tagged and many others) and you all know it...! Such rules -or non-rules really- are not prevalent here, on TLB Prime, and anywhere on the TLB Prime Network, really...! We are topical here! :) We are thematic! :) We stick to that too!
The theme here is *luminous*, need I remind you all... ;)
We dare to be voluble about all manners of things here - but within good taste!
We can be daring too though - you just wait until tomorrow's THURSDAY THUNDER, pals!
;) *LOL* ;)
It'll knock your socks off!
But, for now, we'll go through the set routine of underlying weirdness all around the world (idiocy once again, but with a weird twist - as seen before, exposed and lambasted here, by yours truly!)
To further enhance the weird quotient, a weird picture - since we are very visual this week, on TLB Prime!

And on with the weird stuff now:
A London museum is selling space to whomever thinks their stuff is museum-worthy...
Attendances must be at an all-time low, eh?
It is an auction and only the winning bidder will get to expose his or her junk - but then, once the winning bid is officialized, ANYTHING he/she wants to place in his or her case GOES...!
Let's just hope the winning bidder is not a fetichist of some kind...
Recently, it was reported that a thief was caught once his own stomach turned against him - for, you see, he had stashed his loot there.
The moral of the story is, I suppose: always eat before you thieve! :)
In New Delhi, India, another thief got into a drunken haze and flaunted his stolen loot a bit too much, for Bollywood tunes' sake (3 million rupees - which amounts only to about 67,000 dollars? Sheesh - millionaires really aren't all that they were once quacked up to be...! ;)
The morale of THIS story: eat before you thieve, but don't drink!
(Nor drive for that matter!)
In Brazil (Brasil really), a cat has purportedly given birth to puppies.
I guess this pussycat didn't find that green cat born a few years ago to be ''exotic'' enough - she had to try something more special... And there happened to be that charming chihuahua in the neighborhood... A few tacos and lots of cachassa later, the deed was done...!?
It's either that - of the kitty's owner is a mentirosa!
Also in Brasil, the mayor of Brasilia is handing out free candy these days...
They are wise about it though - said ''candy'' is passed on to the WIVES who then pass it on to their hubbies when they are ''in the mood''...
Distributing such bonbons to the men was leading to them seeking out other playmates, see...? They acted like that pussycat allegedly did, basically...!
Finally a mayor and an administration with good common sense! :)
And lastly, in Beijing, China, they are so fickle that they want their fishies spotless, without a single freckle - or they'd rather have them dead.
The vain asians who bought the crappy product that claimed to be a ''freckle remover'' were quite distraught soon after and complained about "rashes, skin inflammation, blistering, colored spots and other adverse reactions," the most adverse of which was DEATH!
Alas, we are talking about death for the fishies - and mere rashes for their owners!
All I have to say about it is this:
too bad that it was death for the fishies - and not their incompetent owners.
(Where's Gojira & co where you really need them? Get in there and give those Beijing bums some of their own ''medecine'', will ya?!?)
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"Space in a case" at museum up for auction
Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:02am ET
LONDON (Reuters) - A square yard of prime "space in a case" is up for auction in a London museum and the winning bidder can exhibit whatever they want.
The exhibit must represent the winner's life in the capital.
"You can give us a case history, a family heirloom, or a found treasure, your grandparents' wedding photographs," the Museum of London said in a statement.
"It's your place and your case." The winning exhibit will be put on display until February following the 10-day eBay auction.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Stomach pains rumble thief's loot hideaway
Stomach pains rumble thief's loot hideaway
Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:49am ET
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German thief who swallowed a ring he had stolen was betrayed by his own body when he suffered stomach pains during police interrogation.
He was taken to hospital where an x-ray revealed the hidden loot.
Off-duty police officers in the western town of Bergisch Gladbach thought they had seen the 30-year-old stealing something from a shop window, but only found an empty box when they searched him, a police spokesman said Friday.
"He said he'd grabbed the box and found it empty, but the shopkeeper said there was a ring missing," he said. "Then during questioning he complained of severe stomach pains and was rushed to hospital with suspected appendicitis."
Doctors x-rayed the man and discovered the ring, which they fished out using pincers attached to a stomach tube.
"It seems that the pains were coincidental and had nothing to do with the ring," the police spokesman said. He did not know what had caused the pains.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Brazilians in fuss over claim puppies born to cat
Brazilians in fuss over claim puppies born to cat
Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:54am ET
PASSO FUNDO, Brazil (Reuters) - Geneticist Adil Pacheco took blood samples on Friday from three puppies in a poor neighborhood in Passo Fundo in southern Brazil to settle a dispute over a claim they were born from a cat.
"It's rather simple really. If the puppies prove to have 78 chromosomes, they are dogs. If they have 38, they are cats," said Pacheco, director of the Institute of Biological Sciences of the University of Passo Fundo.
"But I seriously doubt they are feline. Every characteristic about them is canine."
Cassia Aparecida de Souza, 18, said her cat Mimi had given birth to the three puppies as well as three kittens, which did not survive. And she, her husband Rogerio Jorge da Silva, 26, and several others in the town believe a neighborhood mut named Dog is the father of Mimi's pups.
When news of the spectacular claim spread in the Brazilian media, some local newspapers accused the poor couple, who are expecting their first child in a few months, of fraud and said they were simply trying to make money off a hoax.
"I feel indignant at such accusations," da Silva said.
Pacheco said he was asked by a local newspaper to conduct the chromosome test, which should yield results on Tuesday.
"It's not uncommon for mammals to nurse young from another species. The cat gave birth in a field and she likely inherited the puppies from a nearby female dog who had recently given birth," he said.
(Additional reporting by Edison Vara in Passo Fundo)
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Play it again and again and again, Sam...
Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:02am ET
LONDON (Reuters) - A square yard of prime "space in a case" is up for auction in a London museum and the winning bidder can exhibit whatever they want.
The exhibit must represent the winner's life in the capital.
"You can give us a case history, a family heirloom, or a found treasure, your grandparents' wedding photographs," the Museum of London said in a statement.
"It's your place and your case." The winning exhibit will be put on display until February following the 10-day eBay auction.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Stomach pains rumble thief's loot hideaway
Stomach pains rumble thief's loot hideaway
Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:49am ET
BERLIN (Reuters) - A German thief who swallowed a ring he had stolen was betrayed by his own body when he suffered stomach pains during police interrogation.
He was taken to hospital where an x-ray revealed the hidden loot.
Off-duty police officers in the western town of Bergisch Gladbach thought they had seen the 30-year-old stealing something from a shop window, but only found an empty box when they searched him, a police spokesman said Friday.
"He said he'd grabbed the box and found it empty, but the shopkeeper said there was a ring missing," he said. "Then during questioning he complained of severe stomach pains and was rushed to hospital with suspected appendicitis."
Doctors x-rayed the man and discovered the ring, which they fished out using pincers attached to a stomach tube.
"It seems that the pains were coincidental and had nothing to do with the ring," the police spokesman said. He did not know what had caused the pains.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Brazilians in fuss over claim puppies born to cat
Brazilians in fuss over claim puppies born to cat
Sun Nov 19, 2006 9:54am ET
PASSO FUNDO, Brazil (Reuters) - Geneticist Adil Pacheco took blood samples on Friday from three puppies in a poor neighborhood in Passo Fundo in southern Brazil to settle a dispute over a claim they were born from a cat.
"It's rather simple really. If the puppies prove to have 78 chromosomes, they are dogs. If they have 38, they are cats," said Pacheco, director of the Institute of Biological Sciences of the University of Passo Fundo.
"But I seriously doubt they are feline. Every characteristic about them is canine."
Cassia Aparecida de Souza, 18, said her cat Mimi had given birth to the three puppies as well as three kittens, which did not survive. And she, her husband Rogerio Jorge da Silva, 26, and several others in the town believe a neighborhood mut named Dog is the father of Mimi's pups.
When news of the spectacular claim spread in the Brazilian media, some local newspapers accused the poor couple, who are expecting their first child in a few months, of fraud and said they were simply trying to make money off a hoax.
"I feel indignant at such accusations," da Silva said.
Pacheco said he was asked by a local newspaper to conduct the chromosome test, which should yield results on Tuesday.
"It's not uncommon for mammals to nurse young from another species. The cat gave birth in a field and she likely inherited the puppies from a nearby female dog who had recently given birth," he said.
(Additional reporting by Edison Vara in Passo Fundo)
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Play it again and again and again, Sam...
Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:53am ET
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian carpenter who stole diamonds worth more than a million dollars from a jewelers was arrested in a dance bar after he splurged to ensure the band play one song repeatedly, alerting a police informer, reports said.
Divesh Borse decided to let his hair down in Mumbai after selling part of his haul, the Sunday Times newspaper said.
During two evenings at the bar he spent hundreds of dollars as he requested the Bollywood song "Humko Deewana Kar Gaye" (He Made Me Crazy) by nasally balladeer Himesh Reshammiya be played over and over again.
But when a drunk Borse insisted on the song for a third straight evening others in the bar protested, the Times said.
To try and get his way he started showering 1,000 rupee notes on dancers, but hadn't counted on the presence of a police informer, who alerted his handlers.
Borse was arrested carrying diamonds, which he had stolen while carrying out work at the store, worth 3 million rupees ($67,110).
Dance bars, where sari-clad women dance to Bollywood hits for money, were for years the mainstay of Mumbai's notoriously risque nightlife, but were ordered by officials to clean up their act earlier this year.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Free Viagra spices up small town life
Free Viagra spices up small town life
Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:55am ET
BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - The mayor of a small Brazilian town has begun handing out free Viagra, spicing up the sex lives of dozens of elderly men and their partners.
"Since we started the free distribution of sexual stimulants, our elderly population changed. They're much happier," said Joao de Souza Luz, the mayor of Novo Santo Antonio, a small town in the central state of Mato Grosso.
Souza Luz said 68 men over the age of 60 had already signed up for the program, which was approved by the town's legislature and has been dubbed "Happy Penis," or "Pinto Alegre" in Portuguese.
But the program has also had the unforeseen consequence of encouraging some extra-marital affairs, Souza Luz said.
"Some of the old men aren't seeking out their wives. They've got romances on the side," he said.
To discourage such illicit canoodling, Souza Luz said the city had decided to begin distributing the Viagra pills to the wives of the men who signed up for the program.
"That way, when the women are in the mood, they can give the pills to their husbands," he said.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Fishy freckle remover inflames consumers
Fishy freckle remover inflames consumers
Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:56am ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has banned TV ads for a freckle remover, touted as being so good it could remove spots from fish, when it not only killed fish but led to rashes, blisters and skin inflammation on the humans who tried it.
Advertisements promoting "Magic Freckle Removing Gel," produced by a Shanghai company, used a celebrity, bogus experts and fish to endorse the cosmetic, but fish exposed to the gel by a research institute later died from poisoning, the Beijing News said.
"(The institute) carried out a test washing the fish's spots in the gel. Two fish died successively on the third and sixth days," the paper said, citing an investigative report on Chinese state television.
Experts later found that three different fish had been used in the advertisement to make the cleanser appear effective, the paper said.
Claims that the cleanser was produced by an American company using "American technology" were also found to be false.
The gel used a plant-based compound often used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce fever and phlegm, but its claim that it had spot-removing properties was "unscientific," the paper said.
"Not only can it not remove spots, it also has a certain amount of poison," the paper said.
Consumers in Shanghai, Beijing and several Chinese provinces had complained of "rashes, skin inflammation, blistering, colored spots and other adverse reactions," after using the product, the paper said.
China's trade watchdog, the State Administration of Commerce and Industry, had banned the ad and ordered provincial offices to investigate, the paper said.
The advertisements were no longer on television, but Internet sales were still available, the paper said.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian carpenter who stole diamonds worth more than a million dollars from a jewelers was arrested in a dance bar after he splurged to ensure the band play one song repeatedly, alerting a police informer, reports said.
Divesh Borse decided to let his hair down in Mumbai after selling part of his haul, the Sunday Times newspaper said.
During two evenings at the bar he spent hundreds of dollars as he requested the Bollywood song "Humko Deewana Kar Gaye" (He Made Me Crazy) by nasally balladeer Himesh Reshammiya be played over and over again.
But when a drunk Borse insisted on the song for a third straight evening others in the bar protested, the Times said.
To try and get his way he started showering 1,000 rupee notes on dancers, but hadn't counted on the presence of a police informer, who alerted his handlers.
Borse was arrested carrying diamonds, which he had stolen while carrying out work at the store, worth 3 million rupees ($67,110).
Dance bars, where sari-clad women dance to Bollywood hits for money, were for years the mainstay of Mumbai's notoriously risque nightlife, but were ordered by officials to clean up their act earlier this year.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Free Viagra spices up small town life
Free Viagra spices up small town life
Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:55am ET
BRASILIA, Brazil (Reuters) - The mayor of a small Brazilian town has begun handing out free Viagra, spicing up the sex lives of dozens of elderly men and their partners.
"Since we started the free distribution of sexual stimulants, our elderly population changed. They're much happier," said Joao de Souza Luz, the mayor of Novo Santo Antonio, a small town in the central state of Mato Grosso.
Souza Luz said 68 men over the age of 60 had already signed up for the program, which was approved by the town's legislature and has been dubbed "Happy Penis," or "Pinto Alegre" in Portuguese.
But the program has also had the unforeseen consequence of encouraging some extra-marital affairs, Souza Luz said.
"Some of the old men aren't seeking out their wives. They've got romances on the side," he said.
To discourage such illicit canoodling, Souza Luz said the city had decided to begin distributing the Viagra pills to the wives of the men who signed up for the program.
"That way, when the women are in the mood, they can give the pills to their husbands," he said.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Next Article: Fishy freckle remover inflames consumers
Fishy freckle remover inflames consumers
Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:56am ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has banned TV ads for a freckle remover, touted as being so good it could remove spots from fish, when it not only killed fish but led to rashes, blisters and skin inflammation on the humans who tried it.
Advertisements promoting "Magic Freckle Removing Gel," produced by a Shanghai company, used a celebrity, bogus experts and fish to endorse the cosmetic, but fish exposed to the gel by a research institute later died from poisoning, the Beijing News said.
"(The institute) carried out a test washing the fish's spots in the gel. Two fish died successively on the third and sixth days," the paper said, citing an investigative report on Chinese state television.
Experts later found that three different fish had been used in the advertisement to make the cleanser appear effective, the paper said.
Claims that the cleanser was produced by an American company using "American technology" were also found to be false.
The gel used a plant-based compound often used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce fever and phlegm, but its claim that it had spot-removing properties was "unscientific," the paper said.
"Not only can it not remove spots, it also has a certain amount of poison," the paper said.
Consumers in Shanghai, Beijing and several Chinese provinces had complained of "rashes, skin inflammation, blistering, colored spots and other adverse reactions," after using the product, the paper said.
China's trade watchdog, the State Administration of Commerce and Industry, had banned the ad and ordered provincial offices to investigate, the paper said.
The advertisements were no longer on television, but Internet sales were still available, the paper said.
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
those are some strange things that happened. Strange that the guy who swallowed the ring, didn't even get a stomach ache from the ring. It was caused from something else. lol
That cat who birthed dogs! How could anyone believe that. Two separate species can't mix like that. That goes against Creation. If it was in the same family of animals it can happen, like if it was a wolf and dog, or lion and tiger, etc.
Trying to take spots off of fish? Why should it matter so much if they have spots? Using poison in the formula to take off fish spots? Sheesh. What a scam.
Thanks Luce for the great articles, and your luminous commentary.
Have a Great Weekend!
God Bless You (\ô/)
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That cat who birthed dogs! How could anyone believe that. Two separate species can't mix like that. That goes against Creation. If it was in the same family of animals it can happen, like if it was a wolf and dog, or lion and tiger, etc.
Trying to take spots off of fish? Why should it matter so much if they have spots? Using poison in the formula to take off fish spots? Sheesh. What a scam.
Thanks Luce for the great articles, and your luminous commentary.
Have a Great Weekend!
God Bless You (\ô/)
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