Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007







Leo was wrong though -
"avec le temps", on n'oublie pas et on ne cesse pas d'aimer.
Pas quand on a un coeur de chair
et de sang.
Como nos temos.
No peito do filho.
No coração da esposa.

He led a good, exemplary life.

He would have been 73 today.

Deus Te Abençoe, Pai

Eu guarderei a tua memoria viva neste mundo.

Hora por mim.

Eu rezerei por teu descanço iterno tambem.

Tal qual como eu lutei por teu descanço e bem està neste mundo.

Queria que tu estevesses connosco até houje

queria que tu estevesses connosco até o fim do mundo.

Deus decidi de fazer as coisas de outra maneira

Para o teu bem, tenho a certeza, Santo Pai.

I'll mention here also that there was another passage into the Great Beyond that was commemorated this past Monday; as the 12th of March marked the 5th anniversary already of the passing of a friend's mother, Françoise Leclair, who died from cancer.
Mme. Leclair was an extremely well-liked teacher in the late 1970s, at the elementary school Beau-Sejour - where I was myself a student and could have easily been one of her students (though, as far as I can recall, I had not the privilege.)

She knew my father - not too well, but they had spoken.
Between the two of them, there were innumerable good gestures made on this earth, that many benefited from (not only their kins, no - many indeed) - and without these two, the planet is that much more deprived of genuinely caring good people.

Both are missed - immensely.


Last year, the anger I felt over the circumstances of Father's departure for the Afterlife overshadowed everything else.

Also, the attitude displayed by many a relative, forgetful of what was RIGHT to do IN THE PRESENT AS they had been IN THE PAST (as well as what they could have said or done to make amends, in the present, for the poor judgment they had displayed in the past...) - all of that didn't help matters at all.

Of course, it made only matters worse - and it fueled my anger.

I have been feuding with hospital staff, the government, relatives left and right and a few other old foes NON-STOP - ever since.

I have even held a little grudge towards the PRIEST WHO OFFICIATED AT MY FATHER'S WAKE AND FUNERAL MASS - so you can imagine how I've felt about relatives who fail miserably in their DUTY...

Most of it all can be viewed as a mere question of PRIDE on my part (though I'd use the word HONOR if I were you - that is, if you utter your opinion in my presence and not cowardly, behind my back!)

I never pretended to be perfect - but I know I am IN THE RIGHT HERE.

I pointed all the flaws and all the lacks that needed be pointed out.

I dotted the "i"s and squared the "o"s - if those are the ones meant to be squared... it is beside the point here, anyway.

I defended my father's honor to the last - and beyond his earthly days.

Now he is in The Light - and needs me not any longer.

Now, it is me who needs him again - as a protector, once more, as I had been for him for thirteen years prior to his departure from this wretched world.

I only wish, henceforth, to perpetuate his memory, as long as I need to or as I can...

He, the best of the Pimentels.

And I shall not make another mention of all the other ones - the unworthy ones who know who they are...

I made my case - now it shall be adjourned until Judgment Day.

The funeral monument (it is its proper appellation) seen in this post is meant to have additional carvings in it...

Of course.

Next up, logically, would be:
xx AVRIL 1941 - xx xxxxx 20xx

And then it would be the heirs' spots, to be filled in later...

Things no one wants to think of, too much - but we all have to.

To end on a more LUMINOUS note -
as I said to a certain relative, the last time I spoke to her in the same tone she speaks to all, Father never cared much for flowers, shrubs and flowery arrangements - no. Although he had a certifiable *green thumb* he prefered to make things grow that were meant for much more than mere decorative purposes. He cultivated and laboured and would make tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, varieties of fine herbs and anything else you can think of - on his own father's fertile land. He also cultivated a portion of the land that grew grapes in such abundance, the family had plenty to make their own wine and sell the overstock to their local market, in Lagoa, Portugal.

Hence, all this to say, Dad didn't care much for flowers in his living years - why would he want flowers now?

If anyone of the lambasted relatives, with a bad case of remorse finally crawling up to the surface, show up at the foot of my father's final resting place on this earth - bring not flowers.

Bring nothing, really.

Instead, make a donation to all the charitable organizations my father supported of his living, he that you all foolishly thought to be "probably without much means"... How ignorant of you all - but then, that was my point all along, in the preceding, was it not?

Here is a list of the charitable organizations you can give to NOW, to make amends, somewhat, by doing so in my father's name:

and many more
(I shall update the list, as I weed through old documents...)

My father did what none but one of his relatives would ever do: he gave to beggars on the street.

The Good Lord Said that, what our right hand gives, our left hand not to know...

But, now, it doesn't apply to Dad anymore, I do believe...

Now it would be my turn to give.

Mine and those I objurgated online.

May God push them to do so too.

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