Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hello Sadness

"Sur ce sentiment inconnu dont l'ennui, la douceur m'obsèdent, j'hésite à apposer le nom, le beau nom grave de tristesse. C'est un sentiment si complet, si égoïste que j'en ai presque honte alors que la tristesse m'a toujours paru honorable. Je ne la connaissais pas, elle, mais l'ennui, le regret, plus rarement le remords. Aujourd'hui, quelque chose se replie sur moi comme une soie, énervante et douce, et me sépare des autres."
(from "Bonjour tristesse" by Françoise Sagan, 1935-2004)

'Bonjour Tristesse' became a film in 1957 - starring the tragic Jean Seberg and the late, great David Niven...
Who else remembers the 50th anniversary of this film - hmm?

Today, strangely enough moreso than in the months of anguish in 2006, the words penned by a very young Sagan reverberate more both with as within me than at any other time...
I guess I am an absent-minded nutty professor type after all - me, who wanted to avoid teaching as a career option, at all costs...
I am both absent-minded and downright NUMB -
since March 2006 most particularly...
Slow to react to things...
Not seeing the point - of anything, really...

However, the Lord Wants us to be happy
To flourish, prosper, rejoice
To live in bliss - for He Is with us!

The Christ Himself despaired though
Up on the Mount of Olives
And Up on The Cross -
He Said:
"Oh, Father - why has thou forsaken me?"

If even HE Could have a moment like that

Surely I can be excused as well...

All of us can.

Everybody reels from one thing or another,
at one time or another

We fall down - we get back up on our feet

Resilience does not allow for this

Faith does.

We remain faithful
and hopeful, both,
that things will improve

And that Our Father Is There, with us

For He Is.

Even if we're too numb to realize it


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