Sunday, April 29, 2007
Requiems In Retrospect

When I made my review of 2006 and compiled a list of all the good souls that had departed from our venerable mudball - all those who had passed on or crossed over, whichever you prefer - I confess to having forgotten some names for the simple reason that I had no idea they were among the MANY who had left us...
Not entirely my fault - the MEDIA did not care enough about these greats to make as ample mention about them as they did of, say, Saddam...
Actresses Adrienne Shelly, Anicée Alvina (pictured above) and Claude Jade were among those I had no knowledge whatsoever of their passing until we were in fact way settled into 2007 - they all passed away in the last two months of the dreadful year of 2006.
(In re: 2006, some Frenchmen said that "c'est l'hécatombe" - and, considering the fact that most of their celebrities who died in such large numbers that year did pass away in the city of Paris - and that Paris harbors underneath it the CATACOMBES (a several miles long tunnel where the poor buried their dead, starting in approximatively 1790 A.D. until late in the nineteenth century; an estimated 7,000,000 people were clandestinely buried this way over that time...) - I'd say that the French have every right to react as they do...)
I'll try to make up to my own faults in missing the proper timeframe to honor the three thespians many forgot to mention (while blaming the media for it, amply) - it is a good thing too that, with blogs, we can play with the datestamps on our posts...
Many an anonymous stalwart passed away in 2006 - many such greats pass away every year. It is up to those who know them to make sure that a testament to their uncelebrated everyday heroism (as I'd call it) does remain in their wake.
I have made sure of that, for my virtually unknown hero, best friend of all and dear sire.
Add to this list of the forgotten the 85 children and teachers who were murdered in Afghan schools in 2006 alone...
I'll take this opportunity to join those who are mourning the 32 who were murdered in Virginia Tech so very recently...

Labels: in memoriam