Wednesday, May 02, 2007
This IS Her Month!

May is the month of MARY - Our Lady through whom we gained an Earthly Presence of GOD...
Whether you believe or not - you must admit that MARY is the GREATEST LADY OF ALL -
no so-called lady today and even throughout history comes close, not even the saintly ones, no!
And, in Our Lady, particularly since her most fabled apparition in Fatima, Portugal (with apologies to Lourdes, France and the spectacular apparitions in Zeitun, Egypt) we get a connection to Heaven that is concerned with the most mundane of all activities on our banal earthly realm - politics!
Click on any picture here for MUCH MORE on all THAT...!
Whether you believe or not - you must admit that MARY is the GREATEST LADY OF ALL -
no so-called lady today and even throughout history comes close, not even the saintly ones, no!
And, in Our Lady, particularly since her most fabled apparition in Fatima, Portugal (with apologies to Lourdes, France and the spectacular apparitions in Zeitun, Egypt) we get a connection to Heaven that is concerned with the most mundane of all activities on our banal earthly realm - politics!
Click on any picture here for MUCH MORE on all THAT...!

The above picture shows us a MIRACULOUS STATUE, nothing less!
The statue was made to commemorate the luminous apparition that gave all-important (heavy with political consequences for the world over too) messages to three children entrusted to relay it to the adults... Alas, the adults were too obtuse to properly understand the message and kept rephrasing it, convinced that "the children are only children - they misunderstood" and know not what goes on in the world - right?
The message was to convert RUSSIA - something Lucia, the eldest of the children, emphatically defended as "no mistake" and exactly what needed to be done if the state of affairs in this wretched world was to get any better at all... The obtuse adults ostinatingly refused to adhere to this leitmotiv - after all, it was the USSR now - "Russia" was an archaic way to refer to that part of the world...
Turns out, of course, that it is Russia all over again - all in all, the appellation "USSR" was so short-lived, Our Lady did well to ignore it, as GOD surely ignores much of the folly of man... Well, let's hope that He Does... eh?
It curbed its head one time - when it was paraded around in a small town in Portugal during a procession. A child afflicted with a debilitating illness had asked for the privilege to "hug Our Lady" when it passed by her door (the procession took to the streets like that, yes) and it was allowed to her. Why not indeed - in America, there is this "Wish Foundation" that grants kids their probable last wishes; meeting some sports figure, going to Disney World... In Europe, at least, the wish granting ihas more lasting repercussions - if you see what I mean...
The little girl was raised on a chair and the statue lowered a bit so that they could meet halfway - and when the child hugged this very statue pictured above, the statue's head tilted towards the child, as if Our Lady had taken over and was hugging the child back. The little girl experienced a spectacular recovery from that day on; a recovery that no medical expert could explain.
And they say statues are no good - some religions forbid them outright. Graven images of any kind are shunned, banned and abolished.
There is always an exception to every rule - GOD Willing...!
The statue was made to commemorate the luminous apparition that gave all-important (heavy with political consequences for the world over too) messages to three children entrusted to relay it to the adults... Alas, the adults were too obtuse to properly understand the message and kept rephrasing it, convinced that "the children are only children - they misunderstood" and know not what goes on in the world - right?
The message was to convert RUSSIA - something Lucia, the eldest of the children, emphatically defended as "no mistake" and exactly what needed to be done if the state of affairs in this wretched world was to get any better at all... The obtuse adults ostinatingly refused to adhere to this leitmotiv - after all, it was the USSR now - "Russia" was an archaic way to refer to that part of the world...
Turns out, of course, that it is Russia all over again - all in all, the appellation "USSR" was so short-lived, Our Lady did well to ignore it, as GOD surely ignores much of the folly of man... Well, let's hope that He Does... eh?
It curbed its head one time - when it was paraded around in a small town in Portugal during a procession. A child afflicted with a debilitating illness had asked for the privilege to "hug Our Lady" when it passed by her door (the procession took to the streets like that, yes) and it was allowed to her. Why not indeed - in America, there is this "Wish Foundation" that grants kids their probable last wishes; meeting some sports figure, going to Disney World... In Europe, at least, the wish granting ihas more lasting repercussions - if you see what I mean...
The little girl was raised on a chair and the statue lowered a bit so that they could meet halfway - and when the child hugged this very statue pictured above, the statue's head tilted towards the child, as if Our Lady had taken over and was hugging the child back. The little girl experienced a spectacular recovery from that day on; a recovery that no medical expert could explain.
And they say statues are no good - some religions forbid them outright. Graven images of any kind are shunned, banned and abolished.
There is always an exception to every rule - GOD Willing...!
Labels: The Month of Mary