Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dia de tristes recordações...


...and joyful hopes

"We do not want you to be uninformed,
brothers, about the hardships we suffered
in the province of Asia.
We were under great pressure,
far beyond our ability to endure,
so that we despaired even of life.
Indeed, in our hearts
we felt the sentence of death.
But this happened
that we might not rely on ourselves
but on God, who raises the dead."

- 2 Corinthians 1:8-9

On this 22nd day of the month
-a date that always makes me think
of something, of someone
now and evermore-
a month that is, of course,
officiously known as
"the month of the dead",
I found this Bible verse
to be especially appropriate
due to its very last sentence
and the hope, comfort, solace,
enlightenment and LIGHT
that it brings to me
as to all who have lost someone
near and dear
recently or not so recently.

We *WILL* see them again.


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I read your father´s history while "making the Americas" and really touched me. I´m also a descendant of an European immigrant to the New Land and I know about that kind of struggles.
I´ll pray for him, Luciano.
Many thanks, 99.

We are told to pray for the deceased, indeed. European tradition, right there. ;)
I often thought they could pray for us here...!

Let us pray for one another, all across the board, and the world will be a better place - surely!


I'll add it here -
(as well as on another blog of mine, eventually) a mention of the strange synchronicity that saw a Boston Bruins hero (coach Tom Johnson, pictured on this post, right below the picture of my father when he was in the intensive care unit) pass away in November...

And then, that hero's namesake had the great chagrin to lose a child to the bullets shot by a troubled soul, early in December...

Tom Johnson, the second one, lost his daughter in those insane events at a church and missionary center 65 miles apart in Colorado on the week-end of December 9th, 2007.

The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways - why did this happen, exactly...?

None could say, but the Lord.

A good man was called back to His Maker.

And then a good girl was, likewise.

That's probably all there is to it.

Both are with God, now -
just like my father has been since late March of 2006
- and we can only rejoice for them.

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