Tuesday, January 22, 2008
*** Eles Estão Nas Estrelas ***
Seated At The Table
Where Manna Is Plentiful
And Everlasting.
Amen To That!
Amen To That!
Even headachy and earachy,
I could not NOT notice the date
on the calendar today
And not post something
here, on TLB Prime
on The Luminous Blog
To Honor
Two (Rather Than One)
Luminous Souls
My Father
My Great-Aunt
Whose Own
Honor Page
I Completed
Days Ago...
Click On The Images
For Both Webpages.

historic resonance -on a personal level-
and nostalgic / emotional value.
Both are heirlooms now -
as both were bequeathed to me
by my father.
Both had been given to him too.
To him and my mother.
The reproduction at the top
of a well-known Da Vinci painting
was a wedding gift from a family friend.
The bottom picture is an original work
-a collage, of sorts-
crafted by my aunt Alcina Pimentel
with lettering meticulously done
by her own artistic hand
and framed by my great-aunt
Maria da Estrela Pimentel.
The latter aunt
is assuredly in a place of Light
and I can just imagine her
being among the first
to have greeted my Father,
João Jacinto Borges Pimentel
when he ascended to that
very same place of Light
almost two years ago -
Labels: commemorative