Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Longest Yawn

Today was the longest day of the year!
The Longest Day Of The Year 2010!
The longest day in the northern hemisphere, which automatically means that June 21st is, de facto, the day of the year 2010!
The best day of all, for it is the one with the most sunlight!
The day with the most light may not necessarily mean the day with the most enlightenment, but then that dubious honor could be given to just about any other day of the year in which multiple monumental goofs are inanely committed worldwide, so there...!
The longest day of the year simply means one thing, above all: the longest stretch of uninterrupted daytime we can ever possibly hope for around these parts - barring any intervention from dark clouds and a stormy weather forecast, that is!

The Longest Day 2010 is also the Summer Solstice 2010 – aye, the longest day of the year is a benchmark of the seasons too; a watermark that helps us set apart the meaningful days of the year from the bogus holidays such as, say, June 24th in Quebec or July the 1st in both Quebec but mostly Canada - just to give a couple of examples, eh... We call them summer solstices (or the longest days of our years) when days are, quite magically enough, longer than nights - and not just in appearance either! Of course, deep down, we all wish our nights to be longer, especially when we have to rise early the next day... The only ones who have ever wished for the opposite are either sado-masochists or the cast of From Dusk 'Til Dawn - but that is another story...!
Solstices are practical thingies too - being a barometer that regulates the time between Spring planting and Autumn harvesting; or harvesting and planting anew, as the cycle continues! Trees are still growing (amazingly enough, with all the abuse humanoids put mother nature through...!) and so is (practically) everything else (a miracle in itself - one that confirms the Existence of God, by itself! Aye - tis another story too...) thus we can carry on yawning as if nothing important has ever occurred in the course of the Days Of Our Lives...!
(Nothing ever did either - not since season 12, I think...!)
(It is another story, yes - again.)

The Longest Day of the Year, hence...

And have you done with it... eh?


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