Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Luminous Return

It all began something like this...


Never mind the fact that there was a three-hour delay before take-off - it was poetical and lyrical once we got up in the air with Air France!

And then it was onwards to sight-seeing and luminous tourism! Here's all the evidence:

Alas, as always, the journey had to end - and we had to return home, soon enough... Returning home after a long journey? Have you ever done that? Of course you have - probably countless times! Then you know the feeling - one of sorrow mixed with joy. Anticipation mired with sadness of letting go of the new territories ventured into while you are set to come back to your home base, your turf, your old stomping grounds. Trepidation mixed in with resignation - as we know we will soon be embracing routine again and not partake of the free schedule that we had while on our trekking away - be it far away or just in the countryside for a week or less. Here is the perfect soundtrack for that return trip - and we at the TLB Prime headquarters provide you with the appropriate pictures that chronicle it all; so many snapshots of so many journeys voyages and explorations of a world that all belongs to us and that is so out of reach at the same time. A parallel universe, verily - a mere ten hours of flight away...


 So, not that the video's cinematography is bad but we strongly suggest these visuals instead:

  More snapshots to be found on our sister site, Luminous Photography! Oh, and one would be remiss not to add here, in closing, that the overall feeling is surely one of longing indeed - as we retrace our steps back to the starting point, we long to go on that journey again. We long for the original destination all the more. For the return home is also, quite paradoxically and singularly, leaving home - one's second home. Home is where the heart is, they say - and we can console ourselves with the knowledge that there is no distance for the heart - and time has no effect on it either. 

And the nights were red hot! ;-)

  Sempre Por O Melhor 

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