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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Luminous Zeitgeist

Google has put together a gem of a video;
Zeitgeist 2011 - Year In Review
You can watch it here,
over and over,
and on The Google Channel
along with other videos as informative as this one
- and possibly even better than it too.

For, as good and touching as this one is,
as moving as each and every event,
passing, turning point, trial
that is evoked within less than 3 minutes here,
certain vital and key moments are missing from there
while others are overfocused on
for the umpteenth time.

Osama Bin Laden's death,
for instance,
does not avenge the 9/11 victims.

The final lift-off of Atlantis
has about as much importance here
in the TLB Prime Universe
as the last time Little Petey
made a delivery
for the corner store.

The 7 BILLION mark being a "crossroad"
in the history of humanity
and 2011 being a year of "adversity"
should not be suggesting that either
is exceptional or uncommon -
because, first off, we knew we'd hit 7 billion one day
and all the other years were years of adversity too...

To dub 2011 "a year of revolution"
might be insulting, too,
to all previous revolutions that were,
shall we say, more productive...

A year of remembrance, of possibility...?
Also applies to every previous years
of our earthly sojourns...

As for the St-Louis Cardinals' improbable
ascension to World Series champions status
due to the absence of Phillies and Red Sox
from their path to the big dance,
dubbing that as "inspirational"
as it was Tony LaRussa's last great victory as a manager
is an overstatement of "plain old lucky"
and overdoing it too -
as LaRussa had won enough for a career,
earlier on in said career...

Wars are not "coming to an end" - alas.
No matter how it looks,
with Obama recalling troops now
and soldiers coming home -
the worst war is still to come.

A partial list of those who are no longer with us
is simply too partial, also -
what is it trying to imply,
that we should only miss those who were googled about the most
and not the rest of the departed...?
Everyone was googled about - if only once -
from Jobs to Evora,
and she passed on way too late in the year
to have a chance of being included in this.

Now, do not get us wrong here -
this Zeitgeist video collage
is terrific, magnificent -
from the quickness of the images
that overwhelms, as it moves you
to the musical piece chosen for the occasion
-Sooner Or Later by Mat Kearney-
everything is tremendous here.

The problem is not that they fast forward
through a whole lot of things
while overstaying some topics' welcome -
missing out on a single freeze frame shot
for a minimum of three seconds
of events so traumatic that
they actually rate higher than those
chosen for the video:
the famine in Somalia and unrest in Libya
were as big as the Japanese earthquake,
tsunami and Brazilian floods...
(And there were floods in Cambodia and Pakistan too.)
And what of events that people had waited for
for a long, long time,
such as the Boston Bruins' championship.
Was it only the subsequent sore loser riot
that got to be googled about, really?

The real problem with this video is that
it is made with very narrow data in mind -
the data gathered from Google searches.
The topics that people knew about
or wanted to know the most about -
throughout the year of 2011 -
never mind that there were many more awful things
happening all over the globe, in 2011.
This Google Zeitgeist focuses only on search results -
high volumes of that - and nothing else.
And the intrinsic problem with that
is the simple fact that
the vast majority of people
do not know what they should truly be
searching for - or about.
However, if this montage was unable to include
the passings of Cesaria Evora, Joe Simon and Václav Havel -
or the demises of other legendary names in the last days of the year
- at least, it did not include the hoax about Jon Bon Jovi,
which was heavily sought via Google too, recently...

Google is a tool -
that gets to be misused as any other tool gets to be.

Search and you shall find.

But, first, you must know what you seek.

Seek something true, something worthy.

Seek not as others jump on the bandwagon.

As the 21st Century marches on,
we will all, hopefully, open our eyes
and see beyond appearances,
decipher what has true meaning,
reach out for the Worthy and the Truth
and not simply follow a collective movement.

The real revolution,
the true remembrance and fulfillment of both
potential as of all possibilities
will come when we achieve that.

Such is our wish for us all,
here at the TLB Prime Network -
Truth in 2012.

Nothing less than the Truth.
You can handle it!



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