Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sexto Aniversario

1934. O mundo ai està em guerra em cerca de... seis anos. Portugal era, como é, um pais tranquil - e os Açores ainda mais. E là, nesta altura, nasceu o meu pai. 

 O Melhor dos Pimentels. 


 I remember my father so very well. There were three stages, three epochs, really: when I was really small, he seemed so big... When I began to grow up, and I wanted to be by his side two men going out together, ready to take on anything! And when I had grown up, and he was ailing; suddenly, he was under my protection and the roles were virtually reversed. Until 1984, he was at the peak of his form. We would travel, go places as a family. He would drive us there - watch over us. He was so protective. Any small health concerns only began to appear later, ten long years later... By then, he was already not the same man anymore. And I was a man, overnight, no longer a mere lad uncertain of what he wanted to do with his life... And I had to be the protective one all of a sudden - protective of him. 1993 was a pivotal year. The other was 2006 - of course. 

Six years ago, already... Six long years... Already. 

Non, je n'ai jamais connu d'aussi brave travailleur, d'honnête citoyen qui se rapproche de toi, papa. C'EST EN TON HONNEUR, SURTOUT, PÈRE, MON PATERNEL QUE J'AI NOMMÉ LE CAVALEIRO MONGE DES AÇORES - DA LAGOA - DE LAVAL QUE JE VEUX ÊTRE UN CAVALIER AUSSI, SIX ANS PLUS TARD... 

 Six ans, c'est six jours pour toi là où tu es maintenant - garde un oeil sur nous d'où tu es, veille jusqu'au jour où nous serons réunis. Comme toujours, depuis 1969, je compte sur toi...! 

 Merci papa. 

Je me souviens.

Here is our favorite, father: JESUS His Name and His Sacrifice Has Blessed us just as others tried to do the opposite. We Have the Victory - With Him. AMÉM!
Seis anos depois que tu falaceste, santo pai. 

 Podes estar certo que nos nâo esquecer nada. 

Sempre Por O Melhor 


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