Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

From neocentric ramblings... to spiritual truths. One chancing by this blog cannot come out of the experience saying that there isn't variety on TLB!

As I talk about myself though, I always think of my father - he needs me for daily survival, verily... I am his caretaker, spokesperson, procurator and more. We have become indissociable - not quite exactly as but as close as it can get to be like Jesus Our Saviour and our Heavenly Father.

We all need an earthly father - not all of us have one though.
We all need our Heavenly Father - and He Is there for all of us.
We have but to accept Him - and the Way to Him.
And that Way... is Jesus-Christ.
I am so distraught at times... but whenever I get that way, I find my strength in my Heavenly Father... who helps me, guides and gives me the strength I need to be of any help to my earthly father... and to deal with everything else that plagues me.

We want to talk to Our Father - we want to hear from Him.
Some have said that He Is Ever Silent. That is just not true.
Here is The Truth - He Has Never Been Silent! He Has Always Spoken To Us - it is we who have not paid any attention oftentimes.
He Has Written To Us - and here is His Letter...
A Father's Love Letter


What you wrote is absolutely beautiful!

It is so true that God has always spoken to us and never has been silent. We have his word to daily hear what he has to say to us. Plus he does answer our prayers. It isn't always the answer we want, but he does answer in some way.

I believe it depeneds on what our motives are for what we are praying for, that determines if our prayers are answered the way we hope or not.

God loves us more than any earthly Father ever could! He will never leave us or forsake us. He will always be there to guide us and protect us when when we are faithful to him.

Luce thank you for that link to the Father's Love Letter! It is such a wonderful letter all comprised from scritpiures in the Bible! That must have taken a LONG time for someone to search and find all those verses and make them fit together in that way.

I sent it to my Mother and printed out the PDF poster of the Father's Love Letter. I really appreciate you sharing that with us.

God Bless You (\ô/) Luce!
Thank you
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