Forget About That "Secret" (and Invisible too, now) Corny Corner-Ribbon's Drivel! The Real Secret is HERE Indeed - not over there!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Luminous Confessional - first sitting

For this first, humblest edition, I shall confess to offenses in relation to the WORST -no less- of the Seven Deadly Sins... Envy!
It is the worst one in my book anyways...!

And so... forgive me, Father In Heaven, for I have sinned...
I envy my so-called brothers and sisters' ability to simply NOT WORRY...
I envy Aquaman's ability to summon and command all the creatures of the deep...
I even envy -in a most commoner way of all- Superman's basic ability to "fly - up, up and away"! (I only wish he could do it in a non-metrosexual way - and, maybe, with some of Hawkman's chest hair too? Or is such an amalgam too much to ask for? Ask DC... DC's bread-and-butter is Batman, still, after all these batty years... At least I do not envy Bats' ability to... be Bats? What else can he do, really? But I digress...)
I envy my neighbors' immediate neighbors - because my immediate neighbors suck! Or used to... It only gets better really when they are taken away - by police! More on that in a future post, here, on TLB Prime! :)
I envy my envy - because it is more consistent than even my stance on any subject almost, really! It doesn't get any worse than that, I do believe - when one envies one's own envy!!! But I am probably digressing again - or just about to - so I'll stop... and move on!

I'd suggest any belligerent accidental visitor to TLB Prime -especially- and any regular visitor (i.o.w. any L.O.V.) to comment on this any which way they can - even here:

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Just as a certain "jssjqkq" did, not too long ago... (Coward!)

jssjqkq envies ME...

Clear as

Drogo > troglodyte
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