Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanks Be Given For... Luminotherapy! :)

Should I go through another list of things to be thankful for this year?
Benn there - done that! Back on Canadian Thanksgiving of all things!
Not that I can't add some sort of an addendum* to that, right here and now...
But first things first - as I noted recently on another blog of mine, all things American are prioritized - hence I feel like wondering out loud -but in writ- what some American (or international) celebrities might be themselves thankful for, this year...
Let's see now...
Michael Richards must be thankful it wasn't Al Qaida members heckling him...
Jerry Seinfeld is thankful his NBC show is a thing of the past... (on syndication) Tom/Kat must be thankful unwanted guests got discouraged by the distance to bridge just in order to be able to crash their wedding party...
Tom Hanks must be thankful the worst he got from the critics were "wooden performance" and "the fulcrum of the Code flick is a laugher"... (I don't need to tell you so again, but... I told you so! But that is another story...)
Audrey Tautou must be thankful she got no other "big time" projects like that too...
Scarlett Johansson must be thankful people still can tell her and Charlize Theron apart...
Charlize Theron must be thankful people still can tell her and Scarlett Johansson apart...
Scooby Doo must be thankful he no longer has to hang out with Buffy/Daphne's weird friends and weirder entourage from her slayer days, for any further sequels...
Steve Martin must be REALLY thankful now that SPORTSCASTERS with a lot of credibility, weight and influence on an audience's collective mind, are downing his latest work and calling his career "finished" and his style "so boring (one wants to) poke one's eyes out with matchsticks instead of watching (Martin's flicks)" (...) You really are only as good as your latest work, Steve! ;)
Regis is ever thankful for Kathie Lee's departure...
Regis is even more thankful for Kelly Ripa allowing his career to be the television equivalent of Dorian Grey (now that Dick Clark is finally out of it...)
Dick Clark is thankful for another year of listening to music - or whatever those cacophonous sounds on disc are...
Guns N Roses must be thankful that they can still skip alleged "cosmopolitan major cities" such as Montreal even to this day... Last time they were there, in 1992, there was a riot following Axl Rose's boredom, attitude and histrionics which all led him to take it upon himself to cancel the show after only a couple of songs rendered in a most uninspired way...
(No "live in Montreal" releases for GNR - ever!)
Alleged huge cosmopolitan towns do not take such rejection so well, Axl...
Heck, on second thought, GNR should be thankful they can still tour AT ALL...
Innovative bands such as Muse and Fuel are thankful that they've been able to give four-letter words newfound notoriety and nobility as well...
U2 is thankful that so many younger musicians are willing to duet with their old hides...
Gary Jules is thankful in this end of the year especially as FINALLY some videogame maker which specializes in gory, gruesome, violent bloodshed in a devastated landscape games has thought that his downright depressing music (of which I am a fan of) was appropriate for at least PROMOTING the game...
After a double shot of Jules death anthems AND those games, one DOES NEED LUMINOTHERAPY!
Which brings me to what I am thankful for, indeed...
Aside from still being thankful for all that I listed back in October, I am also thankful, of course, for GOD BEING IN CONTROL...
And I am thankful for... luminotherapy!
Luminotherapy aka Light Therapy is what even I, reflector of light, need a lot of! (Heck, maybe because of what I aim to do, I need it even more than most!)
It cures winter blues - it cures that gloomy sullen feeling - it may cure your retina of the affliction of seeing the crap all around you too! Blinded By The Light - right? ;)
Feeling S.A.D? (As in "Seasonal Affective Disorder" this time out!)
Luminotherapy is the thing for thee!
Seasons change... feelings change! A condition triggered by a change in brain chemistry, in direct correlation to the shorter daylight hours in northern countries during the often hellacious winter season, causes this oh-so-very-S.A.D. feeling!
It doesn't need to be so, for this can be effectively treated - by the Light!
Fifteen minutes of luminotherapy - sitting in front of light fixtures up to twenty times as bright as regular indoor lights - along with regular exercise, chases the damnable winter blues away within days! These blues manifest themselves in the form of all of the following: "carbohydrate cravings and weight gain, withdrawal from friends and family, decreased sex drive, lack of energy, feelings of clinical depression (in extreme cases), overacting, oversleeping"... Over-reacting! 4 out of 7 ain't bad - but sure is S.A.D. (!) :(
So stop overacting and start acting like moths, drawn to the light!
And make it The Light and it will be even better! ;)
À bon entendeur - salut!

Should I go through another list of things to be thankful for this year?
Benn there - done that! Back on Canadian Thanksgiving of all things!
Not that I can't add some sort of an addendum* to that, right here and now...
But first things first - as I noted recently on another blog of mine, all things American are prioritized - hence I feel like wondering out loud -but in writ- what some American (or international) celebrities might be themselves thankful for, this year...
Let's see now...
Michael Richards must be thankful it wasn't Al Qaida members heckling him...
Jerry Seinfeld is thankful his NBC show is a thing of the past... (on syndication) Tom/Kat must be thankful unwanted guests got discouraged by the distance to bridge just in order to be able to crash their wedding party...
Tom Hanks must be thankful the worst he got from the critics were "wooden performance" and "the fulcrum of the Code flick is a laugher"... (I don't need to tell you so again, but... I told you so! But that is another story...)
Audrey Tautou must be thankful she got no other "big time" projects like that too...
Scarlett Johansson must be thankful people still can tell her and Charlize Theron apart...
Charlize Theron must be thankful people still can tell her and Scarlett Johansson apart...
Scooby Doo must be thankful he no longer has to hang out with Buffy/Daphne's weird friends and weirder entourage from her slayer days, for any further sequels...
Steve Martin must be REALLY thankful now that SPORTSCASTERS with a lot of credibility, weight and influence on an audience's collective mind, are downing his latest work and calling his career "finished" and his style "so boring (one wants to) poke one's eyes out with matchsticks instead of watching (Martin's flicks)" (...) You really are only as good as your latest work, Steve! ;)
Regis is ever thankful for Kathie Lee's departure...
Regis is even more thankful for Kelly Ripa allowing his career to be the television equivalent of Dorian Grey (now that Dick Clark is finally out of it...)
Dick Clark is thankful for another year of listening to music - or whatever those cacophonous sounds on disc are...
Guns N Roses must be thankful that they can still skip alleged "cosmopolitan major cities" such as Montreal even to this day... Last time they were there, in 1992, there was a riot following Axl Rose's boredom, attitude and histrionics which all led him to take it upon himself to cancel the show after only a couple of songs rendered in a most uninspired way...
(No "live in Montreal" releases for GNR - ever!)
Alleged huge cosmopolitan towns do not take such rejection so well, Axl...
Heck, on second thought, GNR should be thankful they can still tour AT ALL...
Innovative bands such as Muse and Fuel are thankful that they've been able to give four-letter words newfound notoriety and nobility as well...
U2 is thankful that so many younger musicians are willing to duet with their old hides...
Gary Jules is thankful in this end of the year especially as FINALLY some videogame maker which specializes in gory, gruesome, violent bloodshed in a devastated landscape games has thought that his downright depressing music (of which I am a fan of) was appropriate for at least PROMOTING the game...
After a double shot of Jules death anthems AND those games, one DOES NEED LUMINOTHERAPY!
Which brings me to what I am thankful for, indeed...
Aside from still being thankful for all that I listed back in October, I am also thankful, of course, for GOD BEING IN CONTROL...
And I am thankful for... luminotherapy!
Luminotherapy aka Light Therapy is what even I, reflector of light, need a lot of! (Heck, maybe because of what I aim to do, I need it even more than most!)
It cures winter blues - it cures that gloomy sullen feeling - it may cure your retina of the affliction of seeing the crap all around you too! Blinded By The Light - right? ;)
Feeling S.A.D? (As in "Seasonal Affective Disorder" this time out!)
Luminotherapy is the thing for thee!
Seasons change... feelings change! A condition triggered by a change in brain chemistry, in direct correlation to the shorter daylight hours in northern countries during the often hellacious winter season, causes this oh-so-very-S.A.D. feeling!
It doesn't need to be so, for this can be effectively treated - by the Light!
Fifteen minutes of luminotherapy - sitting in front of light fixtures up to twenty times as bright as regular indoor lights - along with regular exercise, chases the damnable winter blues away within days! These blues manifest themselves in the form of all of the following: "carbohydrate cravings and weight gain, withdrawal from friends and family, decreased sex drive, lack of energy, feelings of clinical depression (in extreme cases), overacting, oversleeping"... Over-reacting! 4 out of 7 ain't bad - but sure is S.A.D. (!) :(
So stop overacting and start acting like moths, drawn to the light!
And make it The Light and it will be even better! ;)
À bon entendeur - salut!